Toni Sant

  • Endlessly

    Show notes for the 209th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast. Nina Wright – Waiting Maltese and Canadian born and raised in Canada but now living in Arizona. This R&B singer clearly deserves to grace the line up on the MMI podcasting series. I’ll be keeping a look out for new material from her and promise to…

  • Brand New Day

    Blogger is about to stop letting its users publish their blogs via FTP. This is how I’ve used Blogger for my blog since the very first day I started blogging back in April 2004. So now it’s time to move on, or rather move it all to WordPress. By contrast, WordPress not only lets its…

  • Moving blog to WordPress

    This is the very first post I’m writing on WordPress for my blog. It’s actually just a little note to say that Toni Sant’s Blog will soon be driven by WordPress. is now driven (almost entirely) by WordPress, so it makes sense that the Blog is also on WordPress. Blogger has served me well…