Little Wing
Jackson Heights
New York City
22 May 2005
New York City
22 May 2005
Dear Chiara -
Congratulations on your impressive placing at the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest! I was not in the mood for the song contest this year - mostly because I'm still a little depressed by Choppy's passing - but your outstanding performance has moved me to write you this second open letter via my blog.
The fact that you have managed to acquire the highest number of points ever given to Malta at the Eurovision Song Contest should not go unmentioned. Although it has become less likely for anyone to know the outcome of the event before the end of the show, I believed all along that you would do better than you did back in 1998. Your second place is not only an improvement on your outstanding third place in Birmingham but also better than Ira Losco's spectacular second place in Estonia. Sadly, second place, as the saying goes is close, but no cigar. Malta being what it is you'll still get a hero's welcome on your return home, even though you're scheduled to get back in the middle of the night.
I have great admiration for the Italians, who have refused to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest after they hosted it at Cinecitta' in 1991. I remember a brief conversation I had with Peppino di Capri backstage that year, where he confessed (partly off the record) that he was selected to be that year's representative for his country because they didn't want to win it again after Toto Cutugnio's mega-success with Insieme (Unite Europe) the previous year. I wonder whether Malta would do the same after it won the Eurovision at least once. Enzo Guzman would be a great stand-in for Peppino di Capri's role, but somehow I doubt we'd take the honorable way out.
Incidentally, I wonder how Olivia would have done if she had won the Malta Song for Europe last winter. Stylistically, her song was closer to this year's winner from Greece than your own. Would a different song style have garnered the 38 extra points Malta needed this year to make it to the much-coveted first place? That's a question I doubt anyone can answer, of course. So don't mind me bringing up Olivia again after all you've been through in the last few months and whatever's in store for you in the coming weeks.
I honestly don't give much credence to the whole geopolitical voting argument. Do you? Something tells me you're above all that and that you're more concerned about your father's health than in making sense out of the whole who-voted-for-whom-and-why debate. May he make a full recovery as soon as possible so you can really focus on what's truly important in your life.
As for myself, I can truthfully say that I lost interest in the Eurovision Song Contest many years ago. Perhaps that's partly because I was so closely involved in the team that took Malta back into the contest after an absence of 16 years in 1991. Most likely, however, it's also because when I see who the winners of the contest usually turn out to be I see that, as is the case this year, it certainly is not the act/song that could be remembered the most out of that year's crop. Oh well, such is life! And that's exactly my point. Why put so much time and effort into something that's so shallow and forgetful? Maybe it's because there's always hope that someone like you could bring the gold to Malta some time. Relatively mediocre acts from countries less resourceful than Malta have done it, so why can't we, right?
Anyway, may you find the happiness you so truly deserve in your least until the next time you decide to seek it in something as perplexing at the Eurovision Song Contest.
Yours sincerely,
Toni Sant
Instead of just focussing on Chiara's ability to represent Malta eloquently, professionally and beautifully, you had to kick at her podium.
You should've just complimented her on what she did not only for Malta and herself, but for the contest itself: her strong finish restored some credibility (not a lot, but some), which was sorely needed.
Aside from her gifts as a musician, part of the reason Chiara's awesome is she takes the high road. Try it some time...
What an strange and patronising blog entry.
I agree with 'lutain' ("you had to kick at her podium").
"As for myself, I can truthfully say that I lost interest in the Eurovision Song Contest many years ago." Sorry? Half a dozen references to Eurovision in the past year or is that "partly off the record" as well!
I must say I find this 'tribute' to Chiara more than a little bitter. I'm from the UK and both in 98 and 05 we loved her. She's done more for Malta's Europe-wide profile than anyone I can think of.
To damn her with faint praise as in this blog entry says a lot about the author, who tells us he long ago lost interest in the Contest. If that is so, pity he couldn't refrain from posting none too gracious comments about his country's outstanding reptresentative in Kiev.
I don't have to add a lot more. Chiara made Malta and the Maltese proud. It's been ages since I felt so proud to be a Maltese person. Toni Sant should know better. After all this occassion merited only praise (at least let her enjoy the moment) towards our Chiara. To be a bit sensible is not a sin!
Easy for someone like Toni Sant to perpetually criticise and verbalise all the time from the safe distance beyond the Maltese shores. Extremely annoying indeed.
"As for myself, I can truthfully say that I lost interest in the Eurovision Song Contest many years ago. Perhaps that's partly because I was so closely involved in the team that took Malta back into the contest after an absence of 16 years in 1991".
"Why put so much time and effort into something that's so shallow and forgetful? Maybe it's because there's always hope that someone like you could bring the gold to Malta some time. Relatively mediocre acts from countries less resourceful than Malta have done it, so why can't we, right?"
My god! I hope Chiara doesn't read this!
Perhaps "patronising" is a fair comment.
I am more shocked by the mostly anonymous comments about what Toni Sant wrote than what he wrote in his open letter. Nothing he says lessens Chiara's brilliant performance at the EUROVISION.
We Maltese take this song festival far too seriously!!! It seems to be the only thing that brings us together as one nation and pride ourselves for our nationality.
Chiara, you clearly deserved to win!!!
The statements made by Grace Borg on their return were pathetic...
Why couldn't they just be happy with the result?
She criticised the Maltese media for publishing comments about Chiara's dress - hasn't she heard of freedom of expression?!?
She went into a whole theory about a conspiracy among the Turks around Europe. She accused Albania and Romania of rigging their votes and having questionable telecommunications capabilities...
Ms Borg insisted that she was going to write to the EBU to investigate whether the televoting results from the above mentioned countries were legitimate...
Sour grapes - how about investigating the originality of the song Chiara "wrote"....?
"I am more shocked by the mostly anonymous comments about what Toni Sant wrote than what he wrote in his open letter." So why are you anonymous?
"You should've just complimented her on what she did not only for Malta and herself."
One step too far on the bitterness front as far as I'm concerned. I feel so sorry for Chiara - she did extremely well indeed. Malta did extremely well indeed. I congratulate her and her country and the last thing she wants is this blog entry.
Tony Sant - I would just like to say that Chiara sang her heart out at Eurovision last Saturday night and for me and many other British people it was the best song of the night. Even my Ukrainian wife agreed!! Chiara did not need a huge array of ethnic drums and a gang of semi naked dancers around her, just a strong pure voice and a melodic song where you could hear every word and that clutched at one's emotions by the time she finished. This is what Eurovision should be about and I am only sorry that she could not have finished first. For me and millions of others she was number one anyway. Just one thought - please, Chiara, release 'Angel' on CD in the UK soon and I guarantee you will have a hit!! Oh, and send a copy to Toni Sant while you are at it!
Sour grapes me thinks!
Chiara no matter what Toni Sant says, we assure you that you were truly great up there, your voice as angelic and strong as it was, enough to make heads turn from all over the world. Congratulations and good luck to the future.
We love you. Well done.
Considering that the budget allocation from the Maltese Government's coffers to take part in this so-called contest tops Lm100,000 every year, I guess that Toni's right. We do take the ESC too seriously.
And what do we get in return? Zilch! Not even exposure for our country 'cause we're not even allowed to air the video of the song during the actual show any more.
Unfortunately that only leaves one reason as to why we keep competing in this joke of a contest - that most of us get a rush of adrenalin when we see the Maltese flag on screen for a few seconds before the song starts... says a lot about what a sad people we are.
well i have just one comment...abt that "She went into a whole theory about a conspiracy among the Turks around Europe. She accused Albania and Romania of rigging their votes and having questionable telecommunications capabilities..." I f u have internet in Malta.....put this 2 things on google search " Romania , gsm" and u will see coz we r the best in east europe in mobile phones,,,,,,we have 3g and all the WAKE UP MALTA!!!!
hello chiara. well done for your brilliant & most enchanting performance. me & my younger sibling were screaming like crazy as if we were watching a football match instead of the eurovision. i'm soon to be going to london on the 8th july for 10 days & i'm hoping that the date of your up-coming concert wouldn't be the same day where i have 2 depart or while i'm abroad cos i wouldn't want to miss it. :-(
anyway, God bless & good luck 4 what d future holds. bye xxx
hello chiara. well done for your brilliant & most enchanting performance. me & my younger sibling were screaming like crazy as if we were watching a football match instead of the eurovision. i'm soon to be going to london on the 8th july for 10 days & i'm hoping that the date of your up-coming concert wouldn't be the same day where i have 2 depart or while i'm abroad cos i wouldn't want to miss it. :-(
anyway, God bless & good luck 4 what d future holds. bye xxx
hello chiara
my name is petra i am a big fan of yours. i know many people say horrible things and try to hurt your feelings but don't care about a single thing they say.
you'r buetiful and you have a magical voice. i know when someone calls you fat it is intended to hurt you. thats why they say these things. don't care everyone has his opinioun. my room is full of your pic good luck with your future and keep your head up!
i am 12 years old from birzebbugia.
dear chiara i must say that when you won i knew it from the beggining and some of my family thought so to .
Do you consider taking part another time .
Though i must say welldone on the 1998 song festival.
You diserved top scores for someone without any mucial exerience
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