All that you can leave behind
All my worldly possessions (except for some clothes and the laptop I'm using to write this on) are now in 114 cardboard boxes and packages on their way to the UK. The shipment will take 4 to 6 weeks, so I'll have to live without most of my things for the next few weeks. Right now everything is in an industrial size container on Concorde Avenue in the Bronx, waiting to be taken to New York Harbor.
I'm amazed at how much stuff I've accumulated in the 10 years since I left Malta. When I first left, back in 1994, everything I had could (and did) fit into a large black suitcase. Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm not a very materialistic person. What I've acquired beyond the contents of that large black suitcase are mostly essential things. In my case, most of the things I'm sending to my new home in England are books. Almost all these books are either about performance or creative technologies, in one way or another.
The rest of the stuff is just a modest amount of furniture, most of which belonged to my wife before we ever met. Most of her possessions are also in the 114 cardboard boxes and packages I mentioned above. She has been saying that she's all set to live the life of a Zen nun, during the next couple of months. This private tidbit about her reminds me why she has become the brightest guiding light in my life over this past decade.
It will be truly wonderful to once again imagine no possessions (well, almost!) and see what I can live without during the next couple of months.
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