Can you imagine how Olivia Lewis feels right now?
Do you honestly think that the MaltaSong board did everything possible to get Malta to the 2007 finals? And is that the same as doing everything they know how to do?
Can you imagine how Olivia's family (especially her parents) feel right now?
If I only hit 3 out of the 10 qualifying songs from the semifinal, am I really worthy of predicting a Eurovision 2007 winner?
Can you imagine how Olivia's manager/boyfriend feels right now?
Now that the Ukraine has become marked as a potential winner, should I agree and appear to simply be joining the bandwagon? Does it matter that I privately expressed a near certainty about a Ukraine win before I arrived in Helsinki earlier this week?
Can you imagine how the people of Olivia's hometown Qormi (and the rest of the Eurovision fans in the Maltese Islands) are feeling right now?
Will Malta wake up and smell the coffee now?
Can you imagine how Fabrizio Faniello feels right now?
Does any Maltese person care that Andorra (with echoes of Klinsmann in MSFE 2007), Portugal (another southern European country) and Estonia (an Eastern bloc country that won in 2001 and hosted in 2002) failed to qualify in every semifinal round since 2004?
Can you imagine how any singer hoping to represent Malta at Eurovision 2008 feels right now?
All this on Xarabank, tonight after the news on TVM...with live link-ups from Helsinki.
Do you really care what I think right now?
Labels: Eurovision
It is somewhat strange that very few of the 'good' songs made it to the final.
There were other songs that seemed to be guaranteed qualifiers, such as the Netherlands, yet somehow they didn't make it either.
Personally, this further explains to me why a country such as Italy decided to drop out of the Eurovision... lucky them, they can afford it, they don't really need the Eurovision.
Yet in light of that, should Olivia or Fabrizio feel responsible for not being in the final this year? I question that, since there are many other forces at work here... that's just the way it works.
...and since we can't beat them, we'd better learn the system and play our cards properly.
frankly I thought the song itself is crap....a pastiche.....the coreography more suitable for no surprise we got kicked out.It just goes to prove how useless the local contest is in selecting a song that will work internationally....and please don't blame it on block one seemed to invoke that when we placed 2nd!!!!
At this point I believe that, even though Fabrizio Faniello had a dire song last year and he sang very much out of tune, if he were singing for Turkey he would not have ended up with just one point.
I really am worried about Olivia because i think she might devastated including Mark and here parents.....because Malta is shocked.
I don't think that it's anyone fault for last nights results. On the other hand, Fabrizio doesn't have to think about anything....his story is totally different, he didn't have a wonderful and amazing performance like OLIVIA. Well is there a point why xarabank will still be held???
I think, people on xarabank as usual will start blaming everything and everyone with a lot if excuses!!!
I think the only problem is the televoting system......because of neighbours!!
i really hope ukriane does't win....i like Serbia and Belarus, beutiful songs not just politics etc
Meta gejna 2nd kien hemm anqas pajjizi mill-east...xi 6 inqas (fi chiara) u fi zmien Ira kien hemm total ta 24 pajjiz b kollox mhux 42 (kwazi id-doppju)! U il-fatt li gejna it tieni ukoll ifisser xi haga ghax li kieku kellna punti garantiti mill-girien kien ikollna cans nigu l-ewwel!
There isn't anyone to blame. Olivia was given all the support that could be given and in return she gave an exceptional song performance. The problem here is not about the performance or the singer. It is the song. We don't have to create a song to pass the semi-finals or to rank 14th. We have to give a song which can definitely win! Now how about 'Starlight' of Trilogy? Wasn't that much better? The main problem here is that this year it was decided before to send Olivia because she has been 3 times coming 2nd. We should not decide that way. We have to select the really BEST song and not the most popular singer around.
The thing is that we have to return to Jury Vote (at least 50-60%).
And I think that tonight's Xarabank would be totally Pointless. Better a Mr. Bean Episode.
Olivia welcome back to Malta! Maybe better luck next year, but please for now stop competing for the Eurovision. Try something else elsewhere.
no hard feelings...I woz not shocked though I would have liked Olivia to make it.. (personally I didnt really like Olivia's song..I insist her best effort woz when she had Pawlu's ballad for maltasong festival no gimmicks no nonsense..)
I commented yesterday about poor choreography.. Actually the backing was perfect, Olivia was too, the dress I still disliked.. (ghal stonku bhal t'Olivia ma taghmilx libsa li tqabbiziela l-barra... u dik is slit kollha.. boqq...) makeup was perfect too.. Still the choreography was absurd... But these are not the reasons why we didnt make it... ITS ONLY A GAMBLE...
However competition was very tight I should say.. I got 6 right though TON. Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Serbia, Slovenia and Latvia..
For tonight ..rough guess ..Spain, Ireland ,Greece,and Finland..
I think it’s about time we ( Maltese) start looking at Eurovision just as it is, a show and nothing else…….I used to spite Italy for not taking part, albeit I am begining to reconsider my thoughts.
When will Malta stop making a fuss of this stupid competition?
Can you imagine how parents of a girl that just got murdered last week in Belgium feel right now?
Lets put things into perspective! Eurovision is nothing but a joke!
And YES the song was definitely crap...
All the money that goes in this stupid eurovision....
I don't want to sound rude or anything, I have the utmost respect for you Toni and for what you represent. But, out of this respect, I fail to understand all the hype you make about this crap. Could you enlighten me on this one?
another pie in the face for Malta. I am happy that all those Eurovision die-hards keep getting kicked in the proverbial behind year after year.
Musical talent in Malta is in abundance, most of it does not even get close to the MSFE, let alone the Eurovision. I'm tired of seeing wedding singers being pushed, promoted and given bucketloads of cash while real artists are struggling to even get paid for a gig.
drop this crap, and use the money for something useful.
Oh for fuck's sake. Give me a break from the neighbourhood bullspoo. This is the sourest grape since a fox thought to himself, "Can't reach the vine, so might as well go down in history..."
I'm glad Olivia didn't go through. This has nothing to do with her, her song or her performance. I honestly feel sorry for her, and don't even want to think about how she's feeling, let alone actually feel it. But the local attitude towards the eurovision is pathetic. Everybody seems to feel we deserve to win it. Not only participate, but win it, if possible EVERY DAMN YEAR. And then when nothing goes as hoped, the conspiracy theories of nations using their fingers to spite us become the national passtime.
I have no doubt in my mind that should Italy participate, they'd get tons of votes from Malta. Why? Because it's natural. Does anybody in their right mind, or even a semi decent one, seriously think that we (and I mean that very very loosely as i couldn't give a toss about it) would be happy that Italy wins the Eurovision rather than Ukraine? Does it really make a difference?
Culturally we're close to the Italians, we can name scores of Italian singers, can understand the language and watch their tv. How many Ukranian singers does anybody know? Or Latvian? Come on. The so called bloc voting is a natural process of cultural affinity. There is no conspiracy to fuel the fire of our despair. So deal with it. Or don't participate.
And so, to come to my point, I am enjoying. In the words of a shameless multinational corporation, that coincidentally bought out another of our eurovision singers: I'm loving it. And how. This sombre mood across the nation gives me joy. Am I a sadist? Maybe. I'd like to think of it as getting back to all the fuss i had to suffer throughout the years. I think I deserve a break. I find the irony that it had to be Olivia (who had been trying to get there for years) to suffer the 'tragic' incident mildly amusing.
I feel sorry for Olivia, but not for all those who had to cancel their saturday get together indulging in pizzas and silly sausages. To them I say: go for a walk, you probably can do with some exercise.
Anybody who is offended at my post (should Toni feel it is worthy of publication) can go to and buy themselves a sense of humour.
Ta ta
can you imagine how truly deserving Maltese bands feel right now, after all that money spent on MTV?
The chorus was sung in a shaky manner, the choreography was pathetic, and this was just the bloody Eurovision contest. Deal with people. Actually, I would be happier if we didn't and it would be taken off the damn agenda and the money invested in something that IS cultural.
Ara kemm se tiddandan Grace Borg eh !!!!!
spend the money on the roads....
Can you imagine how a 9-year-old cancer patient I just visited in hospital feels right now?
Can you imagine how a 20-year-old woman raped a month ago and just realized she's pregnant feels right now?
Can you imagine how a middle-aged guy who has just lost all his family feel right now?
Come on, Toni.
Do you think it is so important that Malta participates in Eurovision at all?Why is it so important ? Why not do like Italy ? It also saves all the animosity between singers. We should create a mediterranean festival instead and ignore Eurovision completely.
why bother at all about eurovision ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we should create a mediterranean festival in Malta.
Save the money for something more worthwhile.
I think that we should just take it easy. It's a big party for those who have the opportunity to go to the venue. It's a week-long lasting party. It's no longer the competition of the sixties or seventies, with memorable songs , bands and singers that made history and became world famous. I hope that Olivia will learn to appreciate the opportunity she's had to participate in this contest but will start looking elsewhere there are better things to do especially with her kind of voice.
I agree with the fact that countries do neighbour voting as a consequence of their cultural affinity, so that proves my point in dealing with this event in a more relaxed manner.
I really Think that the whole Maltese group was good overall. the sond was selected by the majority of the maltese so who is blaming the song or the singer is blaming indirectly the maltese citizens. the eurovision is quite a good medium to say hello to niehbours no one can deny this.I still believe that we can give part in eurovision. honestly i believe that if the chance will come againe for olivia we can still give her the chance againe. still love you olivia and keep going on, majority will not blame you .
I do feel for Olivia and for all the artists that didn't make it last night. Problem is that her performance was very 'busy' and her vocals were very screechy. The big trap is to expect you will qualify - you can never do that! You can only hope.
In my Opinion the Eurovision is there for those dreamers who want to become losers, with all respects, look at the so called Big four, they certainly can produce something better in terms of more quality centered songs, so this just shows, how can there ever be a good song contest if the standards are not being benchmarked by the big four? Yesterday I have unfortunately saw the eurovision, and it is really a disgrace because, in my opinion, all songs where below par, I cannot understand why the maltese are so into the eurovision, because for me, I don't want that carnival in my country, that's no publicity, it seems that the songs are not being produced by pro people! And if MAlta wants to win the eurovision, they should take bands like wintermood to the eurovision,
well i personally think it is all a political charade..
i never really liked the song but after witnessing all of Olivia's efforts on national tv one cannot but feel compelled to feel sorry with the result obtained.
anyhow i just REALLY hope that we will actually learn something and put our money to good use instead of wasting it on a song contest that will only put our island under ever more financial pressure (were we ever to actually win it!)
u naqtawha din li dejjem taghna l'ahjar!!
I cannot understand why there is not a standard that should be followed to participate in the eurovision, because it seems that all people can go and sing, because they where all CRAP
We are still proud of you Olivia.
You did your very best like all the others. Your performance was very good and you should come back to Malta with your head up.
Our appreciation also goes to the Maltese Committee. They were well organised and hands on to the job. Good work Robert.
Welcome back Olivia.
Qormi People
Olivia and the dancers were EXCELLENT. I won't say "who cares if we did not make it?" because we DO care. But let's face the fact: TELEVOTING IS NO GOOD. It is useless to get anyone in the street who cannot distinguish a note from another to vote for an international festival. ALL festivals should be adjudicated by professional judges. Only then will there be fair play. And only then can Malta hope to start doing well again. Better luck next time, Ollie, and really hope you will have another chance because you deserve it.
WOW Tony ...Lots of questions you pose .. Any answers by any chance?
The song was complete crap.. dancers also.. thank god they were not painted in gold like they had previously agreed to do.. I hope we keep on going this way so that finally someone will understand that this is just a frikin concert - nothing more nothing less.
Few words to Robert, Philip and Gerard... step down and get out of the way !! How many times do you have to ridicule yourselves and your country...?? Is it possible that only these 2 people know how to write lyrics and music??? There are so many talented artists in Malta who, like someone said earlier, would never go near MSFE or the Eurovision..Let us spend money on these people, not on the usual klikka..
Someone described the singers we have as wedding singers which i think is the perfect name. That is all they are...
I'm waiting for tonight's Xarabank eagerly so that with the presence of the 'talented' Peppi Azzopardi, we go over the usual story and blame everyone except ourselves.
We must look at this thing for what it
Very simply, if we estimate to make more money from the marketing perspective than we spend, then it's fine to participate. We should not expect to win given our artistic limitations and geographical isolation. If we, as a country can make a buck out of a farcical song contest...why not??
I am always amazed that the Maltese take this show so seriously, it’s a show of bad taste and tackiness. You should be counting your lucky stars. Now Malta will not have to go through the pain of coming last again…
For those narrow minded that still think that Malta is centre of the world, here is your answer. Open your eyes people. Out there is full of beautiful people, who have studied music for years, gracious on the stage and with a God given angelic voice.
We have voted for Olivia out of sympathy, and now we can really offer her our sympathies.
To those involved who brought yet an other humiliation to the Maltese citizens I say ‘…do not bother about the result. The important thing is that you have done your best’
no worries guys....
When one understands how much effort goes into this both by the singers and the organizers it is unfair to just sit down and critisize...
Money spent down the drain.... well i think if it manages to make so many people happy for one night and gather friends together.. and have soemthing to talk about for weeks on end... why not... we have no football team which makes us jump and shout abroad, this gives us a small taste....remeber we are small, extremely small and insignificant in such a large world, lets keep things in perspective...
Thank you Robert Abela and his group, thanks Olivia, (I did not really like your song but you seem like a sweet person and deserve to keep on persuing your dream).
good luck next year... and may the most popular country win.... for sure the best song hardly ever does...
I dont think that its either Oliva or Fabrizios fault that we were in the semi finals and did not make it this year to the finals. i believe that the eurovision song contest is all based on show "shocking" performance... however when Chaira place 2nd she had no shocking performance, however chaira in my opinion has a superb voice that can over take what the eurovision voters want to see or hear. i believe that, we should learn the eurovision system. than and only than we would have a chance to get through the semi- finals. plus i also would like to add, that since malta is small it would be better if we remove televoting. cause i believe that oliva won the festival cause many of the maltese citizens sympathized her for coming always 2nd for 3 consecutive years.
I am very sorry for Olivia... in my opinion she gave an excellent performance and really deserved a place in the final. She did everything she could... sadly whether we got through the semi final did not depend on her. Even though people are saying that it has nothing to do with bloc voting, still I feel it is 'a bit' strange that, funnily, 10 Eastern countries made it through.
We should just boycot the whole thing and start investing the money in more important things. After all, let's face it, we are never going to win it... no other country in Europe cares about us and our songs!!!! Might as well use the money better and forget all about it!
money down the drain.....use the money to give our amazing bands a REAL chance away from our shores. Not this bloody Eurovision fixation for nothing. If you compete for 11 years and never win it means you are not good enough. Just forget it. With all respect for Olivia, sending a singer for sympathy gets you what we got! Well done to the board! Everyone reached their dreams now...everyone happy. "We all support you, we know you did your best!"....that makes everyone feel better now and no need to be accountable! Well the best was not enough and stop finding excuses.
hi you all
have to say dont like the song and the coreography was crap. but thankyou olivia for trying your best and well come home
I dont think that its either Oliva or Fabrizios fault that we were in the semi finals and did not make it this year to the finals. i believe that the eurovision song contest is all based on show "shocking" performance... however when Chaira place 2nd she had no shocking performance, however chaira in my opinion has a superb voice that can over take what the eurovision voters want to see or hear. i believe that, we should learn the eurovision system. than and only than we would have a chance to get through the semi- finals. plus i also would like to add, that since malta is small it would be better if we remove televoting. cause i believe that oliva won the festival cause many of the maltese citizens sympathized her for coming always 2nd for 3 consecutive years.
The song itself sucked.. I don't even know how Olivia got selected.
Tony.. maybe you should stop predicting the winners for the Eurovision songs.. and concentrate on other things like answering your own questions.
Prosit Olivia, nothing to do with you. Really we need to take this as a big joke, vera farsa. I like the idea of promoting a new Mediteeranean festival, now is the time to do it, i am sure countries like greece, Cyprus, Italy would be more than interested. Min of culture please note and do something. Imagine a festival in port of Valletta
I never thought that someone who is supposedly is reading Timothy Leary would really bother to give a damn about the Eurovision, let alone to rate it so highly.
Drop out man!
I am a singer and I'm really in doubt if to participate or not next year... what should i do that Olivia didn't??
The televoting sucks and we all know that... It should be an outstanding song like Chiara's and Ira's to get massive voting.
Any way i suggest our board for the esc to join other countries and refrain from participating and present an official complaint to ESC.
One last thing, I suggest our composers to send their songs in those ex soviet countries and they would certainly have more chance - their songs suck, easily beaten.
Prosit Olivia....
I tend to agree with many of the comments written by the skeptics, because I have also struggled in the past to understand why on earth do we need to bother about Eurovision at all.
However, as a few others have noted, we need to look back into the very culture of the Maltese, and understand that the fascination behind the contest comes from the fact that it provides the nation with a 'common enemy', something that (at least most of) the population looks forward to without having to fight amongst ourselves.
Which in many ways also explains all this fuss we make about neighbours voting for each other - it's not a question of not understanding why it happens, but a sense of deceit in knowing that, had everyone voted for the song he/she liked most, we would probably have made it to the final.
Ironically, a few Maltese songs have come close to actually winning this thing in the past - that in itself gives rationale to why many look forward to it so eagerly. It's not unlike the national football team - the minute it wins a single match, everyone forgets about the humiliations from the past, and winning the World Cup becomes a possible target!
The Maltese feeling about their song being always the best one and that it should always win is as understandable as every single point that neighbours give to each other. It shows that there is still some respect to what this country is able to produce.
In short, there is more into this than what many consider to be a puppet show in disguise - for a small country like Malta, it offers the opportunity to feel at par with many other countries (don't forget that not many of us may have had the opportunity to feel this via personal achievements).
As for yesterday's contribution, it surely lived to the expectations, but was unlucky enough to be surrounded by participants who, naturally enough, would help each other go through. We've had it in the past, there is no conspiracy, so there is really no need to make a national issue out of it!
It's as well to remember that in a field of 28 songs, each selected competitively by the people of a different proud nation to represent it, the odds are heavily stacked against each and every competitor from making it to the final.
Looked at from my point of view, Malta's entry was a strongly emotive power ballad with a very dramatic promotional video. The live performance as a visual spectacle with its almost luridly bright colours perhaps failed to communicate the more intense, darker side of the song as well as the video did, and this might have resulted in the song slipping narrowly outside the Top 10 in the voting, but I would suspect it was not a lot lower than 12th or 14th.
Looked at purely from the point of view of songs, there was some intensely strong competition, with the Moldovan, Macedonian and Georgian entries (each of them beautiful, inspiring songs) being among my personal favourites that qualified, the Belarus entry having a very catchy melody and being strongly sung (even though I personally find it not to my taste at all), the Slovenian entry likewise (although in a very different stylistic vein), the Serbian entry moving a lot of people, and the Hungarian entry appealing to a broad spectrum of blues fans.
With such strength of competition, it only took a little bad luck for two or three weaker entries such as Turkey, Latvia and Bulgaria to narrowly pip Malta and a few others at the post and keep them out of the Top 10. In my view, the Bulgarian song is no better than the Maltese one, although quite good, and the Turkish and Latvian songs are both really poor and should not have made it through at the expense of Iceland and Andorra for example. But I would bet that the number of votes separating the eighth, ninth and tenth placed songs from those ranked 11-15 in the voting would be very small indeed as a percentage.
To make matters fairer and increase the quality of the final, I feel the contest should really be reformed so that nobody gains automatic qualification to the final and there are two semifinals with up to 21 countries competing in each for just ten places. On that basis, the better half of the entrants would all reach the final, instead of the situation we have now in which strong entries such as those by Iceland, Malta and Andorra which would beat a lot of the competition in the final are prevented from reaching it at all, and in which acts that played no part in the previous year's entries for their countries are variously given direct entry to the final or not regardless of the quality of their songs.
Philip Graves (in Sweden)
why we did not make it.
Timing of song. 20 songs was too much to take.
Choreography over killed the performance. Why the oriental factor and not the flamenco ? Every seen a chinese playing a violin ? Too much going on behind the singer. She should have been the main focus throughout. Those men jumong and flaging was too muh. Audience has to focus on the song.
Those girls should have stuck to be backing vocals , not join in to the crowding of the stage. Too much fanning , should have stayed at the back.
She was out of tune badly on the night. She missed some high notes at the climax of the song. Maybe due to exitement.
The dress. too much yellow and bright colours. should have kept to the dark, mysterious and spiral dress - VERTIGO.
The blowers could have effected the singer's voice. Too much
Having said all that she still should have it to final, same holds for
Today's Xarabank really extenuated the Maltese culture of overpride. We are ready to prepare maps as a "scientific study" pinpointing to the cliched block voting problem...for a change.
Truth is competition is of a much higher standard than we expect each and every year, for the last couple of years. We're always going to find some other reason than ourselves to blame and such an attitude will get us nowhere. If we're not capable of really looking into where WE went wrong, we might as well not participate.
I think that yesterday's performance was pretty good. Though I must say that i don't really like Olivia's presence on stage - she's too static for my liking. And her voice yesterday wasn't as strong as usual.
Better luck next year i guess, hopefully with an improved attitude (yeah right)
btw note the unintended pun with the "WE" lol
Who really cares ? Same garbage every year. The Maltese are always crying like little bitches. Malta should spend the money on toilet paper.
It is high time that we Maltese learn to lose gracefully. We cant expect to qualify each year and take the best positions...It seems that the whole country lives on the Eurovision furore. We praise them before they go and grumble after each niegative result...
Wake up Malta!
Thnak to ALbnia who gave us their 6!! We seem to be their neighbour hehe again they voted for us!! :D
Malta and Netherlands seem to have the same music tastes :D!! Malta gives 8 points to the Netherlands and we give them 7 :) Lets keep these ties if we r going to participate again!
Can't stand the song. I think Vertigo received a fair placing at 25th out of 28 semifinalists.
Lesson to be learnt: don't vote out of pity, vote for people who can deliver.
The Serbian stage director justified the no-nonsense approach to the staging, explaining
that it should be understated to highlight the power of Marija’s performance. “We will keep
it very simple. Molitva is too good a song to be overwhelmed by stage tricks. Maybe we’re
being a bit old-fashioned about it, but if the performers feel good about it – and they do –
then there’s no need to change it. The song will speak for itself.”
And there u have it love!
I think Robert Abela, chairman of the Malta Song for Europe should either resign or be kicked out! God almighty...since he's been on the board, Malta hasn't acheived one decent placing!
Did we ever come last before he was appointed chairman? Did we ever not make it through the semi-finals before he was on the board?
the answer is no!
Do us a favour will ya? Bring Grace Borg back!
in my strongest opinion, i think Robert Abela should either do a favour to everyone and resign or be forced to resign.
Think a bit. Last year, it was his first year as chairman, and we came last.
This year, it's his 2nd year, and we didnt even make it through the semi-finals!
do us all a favour and bring Grace Borg back will ya? forsi ma nibqawx naqaw ghan nejk!
"Every seen a chinese playing a violin?"
Get your facts right. The violin is one of the most popular instruments in China. There are approximately 10 million violin students in China. The Chinese probably invented the violin - the Erhu precedes the european violin by thousands of years.
That said, I agree with most of your points.
As often happens, people in Malta voted for a mediocre song. Who cares that it was Olivia's "turn" to go to Eurovision?!? This factor and her popularity in Malta are of no importance to anyone outside the island. For the rest of the world she was a nobody, as are most of the artists (?) who participated in the Eurovision song festival.
Once again the organisers screwed up. You worry about videoclips, choreography, costumes, promotional visits to competing countries. Haven't you realised that it's all money down the drain? Two factors are really important: The song itself and the singer's performance. ALL your attention should be focused on that. The rest is rubbish. Why stress and tire the singers with all this nonsense, till the point that they cannot reach their notes when it really counts?
Hello from one of Malta's most loyal and devoted ESC supporters overseas (in Canada, if that makes even less sense).
I follow the MSE festival for months in advance. I stalk various anglophone Maltese sites and blogs for tidbits and info. And when I can get the darned thing to work, I follow the webcast of your national final.
I love Olivia's blog: she's smart, sassy a good writer and a great storyteller. But I think there's a reason she never got the ticket to the Contest before. She's not a compelling performer or an outstanding singer. Claudette Pace, Mike Spiteri, William Mangion, Ira Losco, Fabrizio Faniello all were either. Chiara, Chiara, Moira & Chris, and Marty Spiteri were both.
The song was too obviously "Eurovision 2k by the numbers": eastern rhythm, overblown concept performance, ESC-winning note, key change. But as a song it went nowhere. It's the only song you've ever sent I couldn't warm to. I think your team a lot to kind of turn a sow's ear into a....nicely packaged sow's ear.
Vertigo didn't deserve to go through. Neither did Olivia, based on her singing. She sang competently a so-so song.
Chiara finished 2nd under the same system, with a terrible draw and no gimmick. She merely sang incredibly well a song suited to her style and voice (well...she wrote it, after all). And Europe took note.
Here's a tip: get a great soaring female duet. Send Chiara and Ira, or even Pamela from this year's selection. Serbia got a lot of support from its neighbours, but only 3 songs in Europe gave them null points (out of 41 voting). She struck a chord.
So did Chiara. Malta often does...and will do again.
No use crying over spilt water, it's all under the bridge now, the song in itself and i dear say the Title Virtigo is enough to give anyone's ASS a Headache, and as someone already mention i noticed a few times in this blog, it was Crap with a capital :C: the singer might be ok in Malta but to be honest she was not up to standard and a poor ametureish performance with some guys waveing a surrunder flag, that in itself is rather a messy number need i say more/ so euroboard listen to the one that knows it all>>> save your tax payers money and PULL OUT FOLKS, or as we say back home in the states Wagon Ho!!!! once bitten twice shy. Tally Ho.
Please save us all the agro, Olive, popeye will be pleased if you don't give up your day job, i don't think however there'll be any signing of contracts outside these shores, after all that wasted monies.. ah well back to digging holes..LOL and as for last year's disaster, if he is so bloody brillianr here in malta, why didn't he take part this year/? eh! so its going to be East against the West (us Europeans/& Aussies ) and we know who is the biggest fish here, so if you either join them or get out the kitchen as wqe say down under.. G'day good Luck me'ol maties its all ferdinkum
Brucie the barbarian and chunky the guy with the pineapple Boll**ks.( just trying to cheer the once that got a chip on their shoulders at this moment in time)
LuV Ye>
We read most of all the comments on this Blog. and we must as both locals and foreigners visiting these islands, congratulate all the people and viewers who have written in and commented, to THANK them all for cheering us all up and make our day- we have enjoyed reading all these comments then actually watching the maltese entry and the other crappy numbers from the eastern block, so keep them coming as we look forward to read all the replies especially the once with a good sence of humour, at least most are based on a British Humour which in itself is excellent to get rid of one's misseries especially after all that high and mighty hopes, maybe the maltese Eurovision Board should look for pastures new,BUT most of all get of that High Pediscal and come down to earth., I noticed that the MTV staff are spending a good month's holiday in the East Indies on the money the board pay them to promote,... shall i dare and mention it?? VERTIGO with a lizzy dizzy feeling.. i think i'll pop off and get me head down.Tell Oly's manager not to ring us, we will them???LOL LOL LOL.
Oliver Twist.
I watched a hell of alot better maltese singers on the Box (telly), why pick an amateur. You could have have stand a better chance, at least you would have got your money's worth.
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