The one that you love
Scarborough, North Yorkshire
United Kingdom
20 February 2005
United Kingdom
20 February 2005
Dear Chiara -
Congratulations on your success at the 2005 Malta Song for Europe! You are a marvelous artiste. I must admit that I am so in awe of you that instead of just another blog entry I decided to write you this open letter.
Let's deal with my infatuation with Olivia first, so you can see that my words are most sincere. Anyone who has ever heard me speak about Maltese pop over the past few years knows that I'm a great fan of Olivia. She is not only a charming performer, but also someone who takes risks. Her most recent risk may have cost her the few hundred votes that gave you your victory. This is not to say that you did not merit 1st place. Far from it! Gimmicks, such as that dastardly dress Olivia wore or Augusto Cardinali's novelty approach for J.Anvil, can make or break an act. The almost Zen-like simplicity of your act, shows how true this is.
I promise not so say anything else about Olivia in this letter, but I'm sure you now know where I stand on her placing second once again.
It has often been said that you are a gifted person. Indeed you are very gifted. However, I think that you're also a gift. What do I mean? You're the first performer to represent Malta at the Eurovision with the benefit of experience. Not only do you have a personal experience of the Eurovision (even though things have changed quite a bit in the last few years since you sang The One That I Love) but you're also singing your own song. You have called it your baby. As a former songwriter, I know that singing your own song is a different kettle of fish from singing someone else's song.
In the coming weeks, I imagine that the pressure from the Maltese public to "win it for Malta" will be quite astounding. I believe that your previous experience with this sort of thing will help you deal with that. There are pros and cons to both the way things are done now in terms of voting, and the way they were done back in 1998. Your charm and angelic voice are your secret weapons...but it takes much more than that to win the Eurovision. Luck is a greater part of it now than it ever was in the past.
Speaking of the past, you should take strength from the fact that in 1991, the year I was directly involved in Malta's Eurovision entry, the contest was won by Swedish pop sensation Carola (who? - she sold 23,000 tickets for her first concert in Gothenburg after Eurovision 1991, a number that during that time was only for superstars like U2, Rolling Stones and Bruce Springsteen.) Like you she had appeared in a previous edition of the contest (1983) and placed third, just like you did last time.
Anyway, I'm sure this is not the last of what I have to say about your next moment in the sun and the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest. Until then, I wish you all the best.
Your sincerely,
Toni Sant
PS: I am very glad that you wrote your own song and that you're above all the ridiculous discussions about foreign songwriters taking part in the Malta Song for Europe. If only more Maltese singers could write their own songs. I just saw you on TVM with Eileen Montesin and your silence during most of the post-show discussion was stunningly wonderful. Well done!
Chiara is a good singer but did not show much originality with this song...
Anyone notice a striking similarity between the chorus of "Angel" and that of another another song, "The Power Of Love", by Jennifer Rush?
Chiara, we all love you!!!!
chiara you are very wonderful.MA nistax ma nitkellimx bil-malti bil-lingwa ta' pajjizna,li INT sejra tirraprezenta.X'hin nisma id-diska tqabbadni il-bard mhux ghax kerha ghax veru veru sabiha.MILL KUMMENTI TA' PAJJIZI OHRA QALU LI MALTA GHANDHA CHANSE GHAL 1 POST.INSOMMA AWGURI UKEPP IT UP VIVA CHIARA U MALTA:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Almost all of the songs in competition were unbelievably boring, a real snorefest. The only hope for Chiara is that the other 20 or so countries' songs are even more boring, which I think is quite unlikely.
When u were in Belgium on promotion, I already told you that your song is heavenly beautifull.
I hope you will do well in Eurovision, and I hope you will be releasing some stuff in Belgium...
I will go on holliday in Malta next month, hope to be able to see you perfomring somewhere there....
Good Luck
Kristof from Belgium
Many many best wishes. We shall be with you in spirit. We love you. You are a very talented person with such an angelic voice & wonderful personality.
Good luck
good luck chiara you will do fab.
you are a great inspiration and a great girl xxx
To our Angel - Chiara
Good Luck with your rehearsals in preperation for the big night! We know that you will do us proud. You have a powerful song and the sweetest voice ever. MALTA is behind you! We love you and our hearts and prayers wil be with you on Saturday.
Chiara you have a beautiful voice and song to match.The lyrics for the song "Angel" are great and a message to match.
I wish you great success with your song "Angel" because you will do us worries.
Break a leg
Chiara i'll pray that your angel will be with you on your special night! Good luck! You're great!
Chiara go on singing. This time we're going to show everyone what a nice talent we have in Malta.
Goodluck Chiara and do your best.
If you didn't win nothing will happen.
love u xxx
Hi Chiara. Good Luck Kbira f'isem il-Maltin kollha. Ftakar illi fuq dak il-palk mintiex ser tkun wahdek imma ha jkun hemm il-Maltin kollha li jemmnu fik. Taghtix kas il-mijja li jaqtghulek qalbek izda ghati kas il-wiehed li jemmen fik. Jiena nemmen fik Chiara. Ma jinmpurtax fliema pozizzjoni tigi, l-aqwa li taghti performance tajba u tissodisfa lil Maltin. Ghandek vuci li ssahhar lil kulhadd u taghtix kas tal-kummenti hziena li jghaddulek u thallihomx jaqtghulek qalbek ghax dawk in-nies ma jkunux jemmnu fik verament izda jkunu jridu jaqtghulek qalbek. Grazzi Chiara.
grazzi ta l-emozzjonijiet li taghtini. Inhobbuk
Chiara,jiena frances, mill-kummenti kollha zbieh li tawk, hadd mad semma li bl-ghajnuna ta Alla biss tista taghmel success. Qabel tohrog fuq il palk intelaq fl-ispirtu Santu, u is song offriha lil Alla, HU JKUN MIEGHEK zgur. MINGHAJRU MA NAGHMLUX PASS WIEHED BISS. God Be with you.
i agree wity Frazzz.the Holy Spirit will guide you. with lots of prayers. nina
chiara, d diska tieghek tiehu pjacir tismaha darba u daqshekk. jiddispjacini nghid li hdejn pajjizi ohra ahna ma ghandnda xejn. il festival ta malta din is sena kien wiehed fqir.nahseb li d diska He li kenet wahda slow bhall tieghek, kienet ghal elf darba ahjar minn tieghek.
dear chiara,
ahna qedghin mieghek
kuragg u proset tal performance li tajt kont kunfidenti hafna fuq il-palk nawguralek li nharis sibt ykun hekk u aqwa. u j'Alla tmur kif kullhadd jixtieq.ghandek disca bomba dejjem tighek luqin
chiara taqtghax qalbek minn tal grecja halli fidi jien ghamilt tlett snin l-universita nistudja l vuci u min hajirbah il eurovision u jien nghid li ha tirbah int. goodluck from luqa malta.
we love u
Is-song ta chiara meta smajta kemm fuq ir radju u fuq il palk malti ftit li xejn laqtitni. emnuni meta smajta fuq il palk li fuqu ser jitella il eurovision 2005 qabadni bard kbir. il kanzunetta bla ma trid tkexkxek il musica idahlek flispirtu tahha il vuci ma ghandiex xi nejdu ... chiara tatix kaz il-kummenti bla sens li jaddulek ... ilejla success kbir! GLUCK. Patrick
You're the best singer in Malta. Keep it up. Keep the shining smile. I'll hope you make a good performance and we win.Goodluck From you're fan Ian Carl
Chiara you were robbed! There was not a singer or a song anywhere near touching you in this contest. The pure quality of your voice and the haunting melody is causing me to listen to a streamed version well into the early hours. Please come on a tour to the UK - I'm sure you would be sell out!
prosit chiara int kont l-isbah wahda u ksibt is-success wahdek bla storbju u imbarazz u laned bhal ma kellhom l-ohrajn. Int gejt it-tieni wahdek, bil-vuci sabiha biss! Irrid nghidlek prosit ghax int ktibt u kkomponejt kollox wahdek. Jien lesta li la tasal Malta nkun ta l-ewwel li ntik merhba. xxxxx
Aw Chiara,
Geghltni nibki x'hin rajtek tkanta ilbierah!! Nixtieqlek kull success fil-karriera tieghek, li jien zgur li ga ksibt. Kompli sejra hekk, kburija bli int izda umli bhal ma dejjem bqajt. Taghtix kas il-kummenti banali, dawk li jghamluhom, jew ghax jghiru, jew vera ma jifmux. J'Alla l-Bambin jibqa mieghek u nixtieqlek kull success, sew bhala kantanta u kemm bhala awtrici. Nitlob ghalik, joanne
Aw Chiara..prosit kbira, jien vera nammirak ax alkemm qlajt hafna kummenti, xorta ma qtajtx qalbek anzi tlajt al eurovision u gejt it 2 u tajthom risposta lura! kompli sejra ek, andek lehnek vera sabih u sod..grazzi talli lil Malta gibta it tieni fil eurovision alkemm kien haqqek l ewwel, u li kiku ma kienx em dawk li ivutaw an neibghours kiku zgur gejt l ewwel. Prosit..Lisa
Chiara - I listened to your performance on tv in Kuwait - your performance was outstanding - makes me proud of Malta - You are really talented and deserved to win - as well as being an inspiration to all, talent will always shine....A big thank you from all the Maltese expatriates in Kuwait
hi chiara jien mhux prosit biss nghejdlek imma grazzi kbira lilek tal gost li tghejd lil kull min rak.lil kullhadd halejt icassat lejk waqt li kont qed tkanta ninzel ghal kuptejja quddiemek ghax int blehnek u emilek resaqtna ma leuropa kolla bill kapcita tieghek.grazzi inhobbuk hafna sakemm imutu.u grazzi ohra ghall kull min ha hsibek u ghamlek isbah milli int avolja jekk tarak biss bizejed tinduna xint. u ma tantx issib bhalek.grazzi,anthony chircop u l- familja, mil msida,[you are our angle,and the one that we love]
Dear Chiara,
jien nghejx l Italia (ili sentejn u nofs) imma ghalija qisom elf sena imma lejl fis sena jien noqod quddiem it TV u inhossni qisni ghadni id dar u nirringraziak ta dan li inhoss u nirringrazjak anki lil dawk li ghaddew qablek minn din l esperjenza u dawk li gejjin u nispera li naghazlu lil kantanti mhux skond il politika imma skond il bravura bhal ma sar fil kas tijghak
Thank you
Jovanka Sciberras
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