Saints and Liars

Show notes for the 621st Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

ManaTapuKeep On Fighting

DjunGħal Min Twieled, Għal Min Miet

Anthony Saliba + Ferit OdmanTieni

Kapitlu Tlettax feat. Janice MangionStenna Li Mhux Tistenna (Ramiro Mallia Tribute 2021)

Debbie ScerriJien Mill-Ġdid

The RSS feed for the Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast is available here or you can simply click here to subscribe directly with iTunes. You can also follow each new episode through the MMI Podcast: Facebook Fan Page. An archive of MMI podcast is also available on Mixcloud. If you have no idea what any of this means, just enjoy listening to the podcast on the player right below this text.


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