I’ve given my weekly Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast quite a bit of thought recently. It’s Christmas time again and this normally provides me with the luxury of having some more time to myself to think about where things are and where I’d really like them to be.
Two rather significant developments occurred during 2016 for the MMI podcast. The first of these was the introduction of a regular video edition of the show featuring official music videos for the tracks I select for each podcast, whenever they’re available. The video edition is now also broadcast on MVTV, the new IPTV channel featuring music videos from Malta. The other development is the decision to move the annual MMI Listeners’ Picks Poll to January. This enables me to overcome the perennial discomfort of leaving out nominations from releases that come about after the autumn cut off date.
The podcast has been around for 11 years now. I have randomly produced a Christmas edition for a number of years during this time. This is not one of those years. I am therefore providing you with three things instead:
1. A list of links to the Christmas edition of the MMI podcast from previous years.
2007 was the first year the MMI podcast featured any Christmas songs, along with the regular playlist. [ read more… ]
PLAY it on the MMI Podcast Archive at Mixcloud as MMI0095
2008 yielded an (almost) entirely Christmas themed podcast. [ read more… ]
PLAY it through the MMI Podcast Archive at Archive.org as MMI0144
2009 brought with it the first full Christmas edition of the MMI podcast. [ read more… ]
PLAY it through the MMI Podcast Archive at Archive.org as MMI0193
2011 is the year of the first proper Christmas special edition with videos ‘n all. [ read more… ]
PLAY it through the MMI Podcast Archive at Archive.org as MMI0281
2012 was the first attempt to have an annual Christmas edition of the MMI podcast. [ read more… ]
PLAY it through the MMI Podcast Archive at Archive.org as MMI324
2013 showed that we managed to get the hang of it quite truly. [ read more… ]
(This edition was also broadcast on Radju Malta 2 on Christmas Eve 2013)
PLAY it through the MMI Podcast Archive at Archive.org as MMI0363
2015 showed that if you were watching closely we missed a Christmas edition in 2014. [ read more… ]
PLAY it through the MMI Podcast Archive at Archive.org as MMI0433
2. A link to all the Christmas songs and music from Malta I know about through the M3P wiki.
- So, here it is…Merry Christmas, everybody’s having fun!
(The list is not complete but you can add any titles that are missing yourself.)
3. A small number of 2016 festive releases that would have made it to the 2016 Christmas edition of the MMI podcast if I had decided to produce one.
Opening with Kevin Borg singing Silent Night in Maltese, Swedish, and English.
Next is Footprints with Festa ta’ Kuluri.
Following up with Chris & Moira‘s Christmas song for you.
And closing up with another Christmas corker from the indomitable Clinton Paul.
Merry Christmas, happy holidays…and don’t let anyone or anything grind you down.
Awesome stuff as always my friend, wishing you a merry Christmas and a phenomenal 2017!!