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Louder Than Words

Show notes for the 397th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

Kurt Aquilina feat. Gino MicallefStep Closer
It’s refreshing to hear this sort of thing from time to time. I’m also glad it’s coming from Maltese musicians spanning two generations. I wonder whether it’s actually just a one-off or the beginning of a more elaborate collaboration. Only time will tell, of course.

Jim HickeyJust to Find

FootprintsEchoes of Praise
Ever since Salt stopped performing, this Christian rock band from Malta became the de facto leading act in the genre within its many followers in the country. The band is now working on its second album, which is due out in early 2015. This is the first track from it.

Rachel FabriA Little More Time
I’m really pleased to be able to include the voice of this singer on the MMI podcast. I have fond memories of her work with Sixth Simfoni during early editions of the series, just as hip-hop was becoming a dominant genre in the local scene. Then she left for the UK where she did some interesting work, after which I somehow lost track of her. Clearly, I should pay more attention. I’m sure you will too once you hear this song, if it’s the sort of thing you like.

IzzyliciousHeart Back
The first time I featured Isabelle Luca Borg’s voice on the MMI podcast I mistakenly declared that it was the first time I had play something by a blood relative during the series. I was wrong. That distinction goes to another second cousin of mine, who presently performs on the international music circuits as half of South Central. In any case, I’m glad to include Izzylicious again, now that she’s in a new phase, exploring new sounds as a song-writer. I’m sure that this is not the last time will hear from her.

The RSS feed for the Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast is available here or you can simply click here to subscribe directly with iTunes. You can also follow each new episode through the MMI Podcast: Facebook Fan Page. An archive of MMI podcast is also available on Mixcloud. If you have no idea what any of this means, just enjoy listening to the podcast on the player right below this text.


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