
Show notes for the 389th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

Cryptic StreetKull Lejla
I’m honestly very thrilled by this new demo track from Maltese all-girl group Cryptic Street. They’ve managed to do something that (to my knowledge) no other band like theirs has ever done. I believe that this is the first ever Maltese-language rock song from an all-girl combo…and it’s utterly delightful! Lyrics are from a poem by Beverly Agius. Do I really need to say this now: can we have some more songs like this please?

Amelia HopeStory of My Life

Joe RoscoeThe Big Move

The CrownsSomeone Else

Banda San Mikiel ŻabbarMoodswing
I’ve been wanting to play a bona fide Maltese band march on my podcast for quite some time. Yes, I’ve played KażinSka and Lejla Maltija (not to mention Xtruppaw’s Innu ta’ San Ċipress) but I believe that this is the very first time I’m featuring an actual Maltese village band. It comes to you courtesy of a march composed by Ruth Abela, who has appeared as clarinettist (with Brikkuni), saxophonist (with Zizza Ensemble and The I-Skandal), as well singer-songwriter (with TroffaĦamra y los Mechones) on previous editions of this series. Enjoy!

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