
Show notes for the 373rd Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

The RifffsWhole Lot of Nothing
I’m thrilled that they’re back again…even if it is with a whole lot of nothing!


Nadine AxisaLight Me Up
I would have liked to hear more tracks in Maltese on Nadine Axisa’s jazz album Velvet, which was released just a few days ago. The production on this album is quite good and she’s an excellent singer. Hopefully her next album will feature more songs in Maltese, whether its jazz or not, at a level of production featuring top level Maltese musicians as this one.

TroffaHamra y los mechonesDonde estás tú
After featuring Ruth Abela in the previous edition of the MMI podcast, it’s now time to preview her band’s second album, which is officially released on 27 March 2014. Todo es más bonito is the title of the album and it’s already available through Bandcamp. The track I’ve selected to play is sung in both Maltese and Spanish, making for a rather unusual offering. It’s quite pleasant.

Lejla MaltijaIl-Pjazzetta Baħħ
After 15 years based in Poland, Maltese-born Mario Cordina has embarked on a project exploring some of the Maltese sounds and traditions of his fore-bearers. The result is utterly delicious and here’s a sample from it. More to come in future editions of the MMI podcast…you can be sure of that!

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