
Show notes for the 343th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

BrikkuniL-Assedju ż-Żgħir
The subject of this song is rather topical in Malta right now. Obviously none of the radio stations are playing this, nor are ones who have previously ventured to champion this great Maltese band even bothering to give it the occasional airing. Inspired by Noel from Xtuppaw to contemplate my favourite ice cream flavour through a brillian Facebook status update, I’ve also seen it most fit to open this week’s podcast with this track from Brikkuni’s debut album Kuntrabanda!

War TriggerBrutalizing Hordes of Death
The rest of this week’s podcast contains metal songs. This new band has still to make a significant impact on the local scene, but I think that there debut recordings are an indication that they’re more than just a bunch of kids with instruments that can make a loud noise. There’s playing at the Xtreme Metal Assault 2013 in Paola today, to perhaps those who managed to catch them live can confirm or deny my initial impression of this band.

Prayer of the DyingThe Desert Inside
Martin Ciappara’s projects have been featured on the MMI podcast for many years. This is one of his most recent collaborations with Daniel Bezzina. This stuff is as underground as it gets and although Martin has certainly performed live with other bands, it’s unlikely that Prayer of the Dying will be seen on the live circuit any time soon. Then again, I’ve been known to be colossally wrong about these things before.

When we launched the M3P in 2010, I produced a hard rock and metal stage at Hastings Garden for what also happened to be that year’s Notte Bianca. I was very pleased to include this band in the line up, but I’m still disappointed that they haven’t really connected with the M3P idea. I’d really like to see them share much more about their great work on the M3P site than they have managed to do so far. Perhaps my inclusion of this track from their most recent album Lambs to the Slaughter will be a good opportunity for this gap to be filled, even if ever so slightly. If not, we’ll always have the music…won’t we?

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