Never Enough

Show notes for the 335th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

The CrownsHome
Victorio Gauci provides the voice for this Maltese band that keeps getting better which every new release. I’m not particularly impressed by the music as much as I am by the way they present themselves, as you can hopefully see for yourself in the promotional video they’ve produced for this new song.

Planet SeedWant You To Know
Klinsmann Coleiro has certainly found a new identity through this band, but I’m also fairly sure that there’s more to this band than his attempt to reinvent himself after years of just being a pretty boy who tries annually to go to the Eurovision Song Contest for Malta. I’m looking forward to hearing more from this band, and I have a feeling they’re just as fun to watch live.

No Bling Show Marija s-Sabiħa
Well, they’ve done it again! In some ways, this is even better than Luċija u Samwel from the NBS debut album. Taken from their second album Ċar Kristall and featuring rising star Claude Agius Il-Lapes along with band founder Jon Mallia, this song samples a recording of this classic folk song recorded by Manuel Cilia in the 1930s, revived through Andrew Alamango’s Lost Voices project. I’ve only played a part of the full saga on my podcast, but just watch this video and listen to the album (available here as a free download) to get the full effect. As far as Maltese music goes, it really doesn’t get any better than this.

Soul ‘n SoleSame Old Song
Jez Zerafa has been active on the local music scene since the 1980s but he is virtually unknown outside certain spheres of the scene itself. He has recently been collaborating with singer Lara Dimech, and together they have recorded this song, with some collaboration on the lyrics from Rita Pace. I really like the sound of this song and Lara’s voice is quite striking. You can rest assured that their next song will also be featured on the MMI podcast.

Banda BrigantiIs-Sindromu tal-Kelb tal-But
I’m very pleased to see Sylvan Borg team up with lyricist Keith Muscat to produce songs in Maltese. This is one of the first two available from this grouping. The other will feature in the upcoming Għanja tal-Poplu Festival, sung by Justin Galea. I sincerely hope that Banda Briganti is set to develop more songs in this vein as I think that this will also make Sylvan Borg achieve the potential I saw in him years before anyone else (other than people who know him personally) cared to listen to his songs more than once.

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