Isn’t It Time

Show notes for the 313th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

Julie PomorskiGħidli Int
I don’t really follow the annual Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza. Most of the songs are rather poor and I feel bad for any performers with good voices and/or a decent stage presence. I also cringe at some of the partisan lyrics, which make the socialist counterpart WardaKanta from the 1980s seem tame in comparison. Luckily, from time to time we get a song like this one, written by Augusto Cardinale and Giovann Attard. Faux rock theatrics aside, this is a really decent song…possibly the best one at KKI 2012, and certainly one that deserved much better than 10th place.

Big Band BrothersSieħbi fil-Cupboard tal-Kċina
Of all the songs by Walter Micallef, this one has never been one that I’ve enjoyed listening. It wears its social message on its sleeve and the prolific singer-songwriter has many better songs anyway. BBB have made it their own in this well-crafted recording, and if it wasn’t for the hard-to-digest lyrics, this new arrangement would have been a pleasant song to play over and over. The video is somewhat inappropriate but rather well produced, so I can understand why this release has provoked a minor discussion about its worth on Facebook this past week.

Following up on their debut at the most recent edition of L-Għanja tal-Poplu, Antonio Olivari and Malcolm Bonnici return with a heavy blues ballad that sound like a good outtake from an early Pink Floyd blues session. The lyrics deal with the shallowness of Maltese politics and make this song worth listening to more than once. I doubt any of the local radio stations will be playing this on heavy rotation, especially since it’s fair game to think that a General Election is just around the corner.

HooliganNilqak F’Malta
Malta’s hip hop pioneer Hooligan released his third album a few weeks ago and I’ve finally managed to get my hands on the CD version. It features many of the tracks he has released over the last couple of years; including collaborations with pop singers Fabrizio Faniello, Adie, Janvil and La Barokka. I particularly like the opening track, which serves as a prelude to the tune I’ve picked for this week’s podcast. Hooligan has retained his edge and remains on the forefront of the local hip hop scene, in spite of the fact that he is rather old school and several other, more prolific, rappers have graced the Maltese scene since he first appeared. In any case, Triloġinali is well worth a listen, and will certainly stand as one of local hip hop scene’s high watermarks for years to come.

Mister HerbalPolitikantanti
Mister Herbal is also known as Stoner Danny, the producer of the animated cartoons featuring the delightful Frans il-Ħamallu. Regular MMI listeners will recognize the name for the various songs the duo have regaled us with over the past few years. Now a track without Frans, or rather a video mix, playing with a number of clips starring some of Malta’s foremost political figures. The video is a must see, even though the soundtrack is all you can really hear during this week’s podcast.

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2 responses to “Isn’t It Time”

  1. South End Radio Avatar

    proset Toni.
    jien kull gimgha qed inxandar il-Podata tieghek Muzika mod iehor kull gimgha
    Keep it up

    Twanny Agius

  2. Toni Sant Avatar

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