Hit Or Miss

Show notes for the 294th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

Robert GOnly On His Way
Robert Galea is a new singer on the scene, at least as far as I know. He has just released this song written by Characters/Rifffs frontman Ray Mercieca. The style is very recognizable as Mercieca’s but somehow Robert G makes it sound mellower than it would sound performed by the songwriter. He’s now preparing to release a music video for this song. I’m also hoping we hear more from him (or at least about him) in the coming weeks and months.

Joe Demicoli – Tajruhielu
Paul Vella Critien’s Colonna Mediterranea has been the subject of controvery since the very first day it appeared at the Lidl roundabout in Luqa. Last week it lost its head (presumably through an act of vandalism) and this prompted Joe Demicoli, who released a whole album dedicated to this piece of public art a few years ago, to write a new song to mark the moment. Unlike the happy-go-lucky standard covers with humorous Maltese lyrics full of funny doublespeak, this is a more thoughtful satirical ditty, with hints of pathos.

LyndsayRun Away
Lyndsay Pace returns with another radio-friendly power pop single. I expect we’ll see a music video for this one too in the coming weeks. I can’t help feeling that in a larger market than Malta (or even if she aimed at a broader audience systematically) she would be appreciated at a level she deserves rather than play filler on all sorts of shows that make me cringe whenever I see her on them.

ColourblindPaper Planes
There’s a Global Battle of the Bands on right now. You can vote for bands from 86 cities around the world, including Malta’s own Colourblind, who are competing with this song. This is organized by the Hard Rock Cafe chain around the world and the winning band will be performing at London’s Hyde Park this July, and crowned the winner of what’s known as Hard Rock Rising 2012. The top 10 bands from this round as determined by fan voting will be judged by a panel of musicians and music industry insiders. You can vote through this Facebook app. Voting ends on 24 April 2012 at 11:59pm EST. Right now it looks like Balinese band Superman Is Dead will be the ones playing in London this summer, but then again anything can happen with these open voting systems and the judging panel having a final say.

Maltese Church Anthems is a rather unusual name for a garage surf punk band singing Christian rock. I prefer the MCA moniker as it has more of a rock ‘n roll feel. This is the third song from this band (following a blinding version of the Lord’s Prayer called Missierna and a scorching version of the traditional Christmas carol Ninni La Tibkix Iżjed) and their music videos make the songs really work for me. I know it’s not for everyone, but I firmly believe that they’re doing something truly worthwhile.


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