Helplessness Blues

Show notes for the 254th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

BrookeLove Not War
One of Malta’s better pop exports has been making the round on radio stations for several weeks with this song. So I thought it’s about time that I include it on my podcast too. As pop dance tracks go, this is quite a catch one, with quite an appropriate timeless cliche that has stuck with us for over forty years now, but somehow still sounds as fresh as ever.

ChristabelleEverything About You
Although she is probably better known as a singer, Christabelle will forever remain to me as the first Maltese model to be prominently featured in a photo at Malta’s Addolorata Cemetery. It’s an interesting mix of pop, glamour and gothic asthetics in a way that were probably unthinkable (at least in Malta) just a generation ago.

South CentralParis in the 20th Century
Just in time for their live set after tonight’s concert by Fat Boy Slim in Ta’ Qali, Malta’s most high-profile incognito electronica duo appear on my podcast with a track off their new album Society of Spectacle, which they’ll be launch officially in Malta on the 4th of June at Gianpula.  More about that in the coming weeks as it also coincides with the next major series of M3P events in Malta.

Carlo Gerada feat. Scott Walker & AzazelCan’t Stop
After a couple of months in the pop/dance radio charts in Malta, with two consecutive weeks  at the top of the Malta’s Top 10 on 89.7 Bay earlier this month, I thought it’s the right thing to do including this multi-talented release on my podcast, especially since I would be totally amiss not including it among the nominations for the 2011 MMI Listeners’ Picks later this year.

Malcolm PisaniDay of Evolution
My good friend Mario Axiaq told me that he liked this song very much when he first heard it. I wasn’t as impressed as he was on first listen, but then I heard it a couple more times and found it better than it seemed on first listen. Malcolm Pisani repertoire tends to have that affect of me and I wish I could put my finger on what sort of singer he really is. Perhaps he’s still looking for the style that best suits him, unless he plans to make this ambiguity his hallmark for the rest of his singing career.

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