
Show notes for the 247th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

Jon Lukas WoodenmanNever Go Away
As resilient as ever, Malta’s most venerable ever pop export returns with his first recording post-cancer treatment. With a reduced lung capacity he’s still as delightful as ever to listen to and, at least to my ears, if anything his style seems to have matured even more than it had when Jon Lukas reinvented himself as Woodenman about a decade or so ago.

Pete MolinariSince You’ve Been Gone
Bruce Springsteen is among is his most notable fans, and yet Pete Molinari remains relatively unknown to many people in Malta, one of countries that gives him the blood and genetic characteristics that he has. Taken from last year’s album A Train Bound for Glory, this song is being released officially as a single on Tuesday 1 March 2011.

Sonitus EcoInfinite Chord
Justin Meli returns as Sonitus Eco with Pink Pube’s first release for 2011: Steel Plateau was released on 21 February. This type of electronic music is super extra chilled out and rather minimalistic, to such a degree that it may even please those listeners who normally don’t care much about electronica.

Hunters PalaceTal-Metall
It’s very unusual for anyone to release a single on vinyl these days.  A 10-inch single is even rarer than that, and yet Hunters Place have done both. You can hear side A from this release on this week’s podcast. Even better than all that is the fact that this song from one of Malta’s more progressive bands is in Maltese. I’m really looking forward to getting my copy of the 10-inch release, even though I no longer have a turntable to play it on. Perhaps this will drive me to either buy a USB-enable record player or see about re-engineering an old turntable to add to my rather simple playback arsenal.

X-Bones & QotonFilgħodu Kmieni
I’m so glad to have found a digitized recording of this 45 rpm release from 1977. It gives me great pleasure to play it on this week’s podcast because it also gives me the opportunity to focus some attention on it and the musicians and singers involved (both directly and indirectly) with it in the M3P database. It’s a part of the soundtrack of my childhood too and I have a feeling that this will be the very first time that a new generation will be hearing this recording. Please feel free to comment below if you’ve never heard this song before, or if you haven’t heard this in a while and it brings back memories from over 30 years ago.

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