Looking For Somebody

Show notes for the 245th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast featuring music by performers from or in Malta:

Airport ImpressionsElusive
Last year’s runner-up on three of the MMI Listeners’ Picks categories returns to delight fans with another single from their album Minutes of  a Lifetime. The album is packed with memorable melodies and very enjoyable pop rock, which is undoubtedly made even more palatable with Errol Sammut’s distinctive voice, which makes every song by this band unmistakably theirs.

Daniel GenuisListen To Me
Better known on the local music scene as Bitterside’s frontman, this singer has now released a number of songs as a solo act. The one you can hear on this week’s podcast is the one that’s currently doing the rounds on radio stations in Malta. I’m sure we’ll be hearing more from Daniel Genuis in the coming months and years, with or without Bitterside.

FootprintsThe Long-Lined Road
After 10 years together, this Christian rock band has produced an album called 777. The song they’ve released from it as a promotional single comes with a nicely produced video that showcases some of the unique scenery of Malta without being too touristy. To my ears, the band has never sounded better than this either.

South CentralThe Day I Die
Now that they’ve managed to capture a fan base in their native Malta, this electronica duo continues to remind everyone of their unusual take on life and the universe through the video produced for this track by director Steve Glashier. I found the video quite disturbing on first viewing but I’m pretty sure that this is the effect that our dynamic duo are after.

DimalShe The Party
Dimal is a familiar name to regular listeners of the MMI podcast. His tracks often have an unusual twist that helps make them standout among the many other similar sounding club tracks from all over the place. This one sees him feature American vocalist TuneSmith76 along with backing vocalist Dominic Cini.

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