America is Waiting
"Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America." These words by President Barack Obama make me believe that we're now living in a new era. Bush and Cheney had made my living in America unbearable. Their wrong doings will take some time to undo, but the new president seems to be very willing to do this. How much he's able to do is still to be seen, of course.
I am very impressed by Amnesty International's campaign for Obama's first 100 days. I like it so much that I'm adding it to my blog. It replaces the Backwards Bush counter, which now thankfully reads: 0 DAYS 0 Hrs 0 Min 00.0 Sec left in office. Thank god almighty we're free at last! There's no real reason to believe otherwise. With President Obama, it's impossible to say a change hasn't already come. I have high hopes for more change but I'm realistic about how much the new president can really do. Not just because of the bureaucratic jungle he now inhabits but also because he really isn't as radical as some people believe he is. He is still very much part of the establishment. Thankfully he is a fairly liberal voice within the establishment and presumably a very strong voice too.
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