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Sunday, May 18, 2008

You Give Love A Bad Name

Earlier this afternoon I posted my first report from Belgrade about Malta's participation at the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest. I'm honestly appalled at the countless opportunities the Maltese entry is just glossing over at this year's edition of the contest. I say this mostly because Morena is a great pop performer. She has a very strong voice and the camera loves the classic Mediterranean looks. Morena deserves better than to have her dream tainted by missed opportunities.

My present impression of the Maltasong board is that they're either like the proverbial deer staring at the headlights of an oncoming car or they're simply still the same people who co-ordinated what are Malta's worst Eurovision results to date.

There's more, of course. Other than the fact that they've written two of the more successful Maltese Eurovision entries, I fail to see why Gerard James Borg and Philip Vella have been given the opportunity (by some of the same people who voted such a close result in the recent general elections in Malta) to try again to fail as miserably as they did last year. If I hear anything more about the so called bloc-voting and the "fact" that Malta has no Eurovision neighbours I'll most probably hurl uncontrollably.

Italy is not Malta's only geographic neighbour missing from the Eurovision contest. All five north African countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt) are members of the European Broadcasting Union and therefore eligible to take part in the contest. Morocco actually did take part in 1980. Just in case you really care about these things, the Eurovision Song Contest is not for European countries, but for countries that are EBU members. Israel's EBU-membership and long string of high-profile entries undoubtedly complicate matters for any lobbying to bring in some (if not all) these Arab countries.

Let's leave that heavy stuff aside for a now and focus on something relatively trivial. Many of the Maltese people I'm meeting in Serbia are obviously asking me who's going to win the contest this year. Naturally, I have no clue (yet) but I know two things for sure, 100%: (a) ESC 2009 will not be held in Malta, and (b) there will be a new Maltasong chairman by this summer. Just remember you read it here first.

I will now indulge in some more ramblings before I hit the Slivovitz, so please feel free to stop reading. The Spanish word for daisy is a much nicer name for a girl...the etymology of Morena's chosen stage name is quite pertinent in light of some of the things I mentioned earlier...I'd rather have rakija than vodka, mostly because there's so much more than vodka in a Margarita, even if we're in the wrong part of the world for that sort of thing right now.

Gotta go.


Blogger Sandro Vella said...

The blog post "You Give Love A Bad Name" is featured on Maltamedia: The Maltese Blogosphere

- Nominate blog post of the month -  

8:42 PM, May 18, 2008
Blogger Arcibald said...

Kemm tohodha bis-serjeta Toni... il-Eurovision kollu trivjali mhux min sa jirbah biss. U din l-istrategiji biex tirbah l-iktar haga bla sens ghax jekk id-diska tigi minn ta' quddiem mal-ewwel tghid li ghax id-diska tajba imma jekk tigi minn tal-ahhar id-diska tinbidel (excuse the pun) u jidhlu l-girien u l-inkompetenza tal-bord u x'naf jien. Haga wahda biss hemm sura ta' nies... li min ghazel il-bord tal-Maltasong ghallinqas kellu l-ghaqal li jitfaghhom jiehdu hsieb xi haga inutli bhal dil-kompetizzjoni u mhux tifaghhom ihawdu f'xi kumpanija jew agenzija tal-gvern li hemm bzonnha bis-serjeta'. 

12:19 AM, May 19, 2008
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to say but it seems that you have not overcome the fact that your favourite lost in Maltasong or else simply you hate this board!!

If you're so perfect and have so many suggestions why only criticise?? Try to do something to help like every decent Maltese would do to see his country up there!!

Sorry for being harsh but it seems that everyone keeps on saying things and doing nothing.

Saying is much more easier then doing!!! 

3:21 AM, May 19, 2008
Blogger Malta in Eurovision said...

Tony you are 100% right....we are going to fail for another time.....and another and another and another if the actual board is going to remain the same....i'm really sorry to say this but it seems that they go to eurovision just for the sake to go on a holiday for free!! For example, is it true that the maltese delegation is coming back next sunday? and if we fail to reach final?....we pay from here and they go to eat and enjoy themselves on behalf of our payings!!!! ....yet malta's one time eurovision results are not surely coming....problem??---everyone knows it! 

9:10 AM, May 19, 2008
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its true that the board will be changed, and maybe Malta wont get in the Final, but i am 100% sure that if Mary won the Malta Song, Malta was going to end up last since her songs were just horribile. 

2:17 PM, May 19, 2008
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You try hard to tell us you are not a magician, you don't predict winners you just use common sense (remember when Lordi won? That's what you had said) and now you want us to remember that we read it here first!! Read what? That Malta will not win this year.. yeah like that requires magic powers!And that the board will change? We all know there's a new minister so she will inevitably change the board composition. Again you don't need a crystal ball for that. The learned professor must feel we are all going to keel over in wonder at his observations because we are some backwater people who cannot think for ourselves!! Oh p-leeease, enjoy your annual pilgrimage to eurovision land and let the rest of the people get on with their job... I bet if the Board had invested heavily in the promotion you would have moaned about the waste of public funds!!! 

1:44 PM, May 20, 2008
Anonymous Simon said...

Hi Ton, lanqas tghaddili minn mohhi li nfahhar il-kummenti tieghek! Anke ghax int kont l-istess wiehed li, skond dak li kienet kitbet Olivia sena ilu, kellna mmorru "ahjar minn qatt qabel". Dak ifisser li kellna nirbhu? Ghax l-ahjar rizultat s'issa kien it-2! Biex tikkonferma li qed nghid, ara tkellimx lil Olivia jew fittex dak li kienet kitbet hi stess fil-blog taghha meta (skond il-blog taghha) int kont zortha fil-lukanda meta kienet qed tiehu "bubble bath"!

Dwar din is-sena, nahseb ikun ahjar jekk minflok ma tipprova tmaqdar, sempliciment taccetta l-fatt li l-Hamis (u nittama s-Sibt ukoll!) Morena se tirraprezenta lil pajjizna ... iva lil pajjizek ukoll! Inutli tipprova titfa' dawl ikrah fuq il-Bord jew fuq min "ta fiducja lil GJB u PV" ... l-istess nies li skond int jinkludu "uhud minn fost dawk li vvutaw f'elezzjoni daqstant vicina f'Malta". 

3:06 AM, May 21, 2008
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kif il-board wara it-tieni disfatta konsekuttiva ghadu ma irrizenjax? Jaqaw il-board qiesu Dr.Alfred Sant? Jew ser joqoghod jiekolielu minn fuq dahar il-poplu Malti u imbaghad il-gimgha d-diehlu forsi jkollu id-dicenza li jaghtina r-rizenja?

Il-'haxix' malti dejjem jibqa' jitla'!!! Alla jbierek il-kanzunetti li jghaddu, dejjem ta' l-istess awturi u kompozituri. Insomma illum kulhadd kompozitur ghax jaqbad u jaghmel 'taparsi' diska bil-kompjuter.

Vodka... l-istess ritornell li ssib f'hafna diski folk russi. Ippruvajni nilaghaqu .... immma ma rnexxilekx sur Philip, mhux kulhadd tan-nejk daqs kemm tahseb! 

7:12 PM, May 23, 2008

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