Get Over It
I'm trying to resist blogging about how busy I am and how much I wish I had the time to write about some of the things I'm doing. I think it's actually counterproductive, so that's all I'll say about it today. In the coming days I'm going on a work-related mini-tour starting in Hull on Wednesday, then on to Leicester on Thursday, and Leeds on Friday. Most of it is related to my adventures in Second Life, so I'll (hopefully) be blogging about it next week.
Right now it's time to share with you my 103rd podcast in the weekly Mużika Mod Ieħor series. Starting off with a new song from Colorblind. Miles is even more sophisticated than any of their previous offerings. As contemporary progressive rock goes, this band is really doing something right. They've already been at it for 10 year, and it now shows.
Last week I played something by a duo called Airport Impressions. As I pointed out, Errol Sammut is also a member of Stone Joker. I've also recently found out that he has recorded a number of solo tracks too. Before I play any of these tracks (I'll do that in the coming weeks) it's appropriate to bring you Hero, Stone Joker's follow-up single to their Alone debut. Is it just me, or did this band go from being called Stoned Joker to Stone Joker?
While the first two tracks in this week's podcast come from bands that have already appeared on previous editions, the next two tracks add new names to the list of singers and musicians featured on Mużika Mod Ieħor. Although we've heard the band Salt before, singer Luisanne Tate also sings on her own. I just heard a song she's singing for the Malta Hit Song Contest 2008 and I like the arrangement so much that I thought it would do very nicely on this week's podcast. This TV song contest features some of the usual suspects (many of whom would do better to never sing in public) but it's good to see such events because otherwise there would be far fewer opportunities for songs like No Harm in Dreaming to get heard by a broader audience. Needless to say, this song and others that are musically worthy are the recipients of the lowest number of SMS votes. The TV contest is now on hold until after the general elections. Someone thinks they have their priorities straight, no doubt.
Away from all that, I came across the music of Kris Spiteri on a few weeks ago. He's been active for a number of years, so I was slightly surprised that his worked hadn't crossed my path before. He is clearly not an ordinary musician and his songs are among the most pleasant I've heard in recent years. You can hear Come Taste the Band as the closing track on this week's podcast.
The RSS feed for the Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast is available here or you can simply click here to subscribe directly with iTunes. You can also add the latest episodes to your My Yahoo! page. If you have no idea what any of this means, just click here.
Kris Spiteri is a great artist with a huge talent which to my opinion is hugely under estimated on this island. It's great to see his tunes getting played. Good One ;)
Hi Mr Sant
I like the way you talk and discuss,especially when your predictions on Lordie's success in Eurovision came true :o) but apart from that, i think you are a good critic and music lover. Please log on my band's myspace, the 2 recrdings featured are our earlier works from 7 months ago and recorded as best as we could in our garage, so please if you have the chance or would like to criticise or else tell us what you think about our music.
Kind regards
Shawn vocalist and front man from Metrokueen
I really feel obliged to thank you and Andrew for the nice comments about my music. It is really nice to find people who appreciate your music from time to time.
Thanks a lot
Kris Spiteri
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