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I never thought I'd say this, but I love the weekend. It's come to mean a time when I can really relax. Not just because I know I have two consecutive days when I don't need to get up early for meetings or stay up late to prepare for lectures (or other work-related things) the following day. Most of all I've come to really like my weekends because I get to do my podcast. In a way it sounds a bit silly...but such are the little pleasures in life.
This week's edition of Mużika Mod Ieħor continues in the spirit of the others that came before it. It opens with a song by Maltese-American singer-songwriter Benna, who I originally featured on my podcast last December. I came across her page on MySpace a few days ago, so I thought it was high time I play another track from her album What's Meant to Be. This time I've picked a song called Stay in Luv.
I'm always thrilled to discover musicians outside Malta who have Maltese blood running through their veins. I've been wanting to play something by Joe Camilleri from Australia for quite some time. I've finally not only found the perfect opportunity to do so but also discovered another Australian musician of Maltese descent: Nicky Bomba. I'll be playing Bomba's music in a future episode of my podcast. This week I bring you the title track from a Camilleri/Bomba collaboration album called Limestone, released in Australia by Transmitter Records. I must thank my MySpace buddy Charlene for pointing me in the direction of this new material.
It's quite thrilling to hear new voices from Malta. When they're particularly good I gladly play them on my podcast. One such voice goes by the name Baresine. The song you can hear on this week's podcast is called Liar, which features an excellent R&B interpretation from this young singer. I have a feeling we'll be hearing more from her in the coming years, or at least I hope so.
Another singer whose voice you may have heard for the first time on my podcast is Nikki Vukovic. NV has just released a new single, her third, called If I Could. You can hear it as the final track on this week's podcast giving me the opportunity to remind you about the list of nominations for the top 2006 Maltese music releases. The list is not finalized yet, but it will be released for your voting pleasure very soon. Until then, please let me know if you think there's any recording released in 2006 that should be considered for that list.
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