All Because of You
The main purpose of today's blog entry is to activate the new server location. As I mentioned a couple of days ago I've had to move away from my original web address, which included the tilde character (~) in the URL.
My blog remains exactly the same as it was before the move. The only thing that has changed for now is the address. Although still branded as a MaltaMedia feature, my blog's address is now - a somewhat more logical address than the one I had before.
The previous address came about quite by accident. I created my blog in April last year as an experiment into what can be done with blogs on the MaltaMedia Online Network. At that time we were operating on a web server that ran some software which automatically generated a tilde in front of the folder name whenever a new file-transfer account was created. Most of the tilde's disappeared within minutes (if not seconds) within creation because a domain name is usually associated with each file-transfer account in our online network:,,,,,, etc.
To make something a little more meaningful of this text I should stop talking about the technical relocation of this blog. Perhaps I should mention that the first podcasting series from the MaltaMedia Online Network came to an end yesterday. Part 23 in the series about 9/11 from a Maltese perspective was released yesterday evening bringing to a close the first full series of Maltese podcasts. While the main content presented in this series of podcasts was already available on the Internet as streaming audio webcasts since 2001, the material has been repackaged into new mp3 clips complete with new audio idents at start and closing of each segment.
I plan to leave the series available for a while; at least until we produce something else. There are a couple of other things we're planning to resume our podcasts. Perhaps we can bring you the first of these by the beginning of next month. Meanwhile I will continue to podcast on an ad hoc basis whenever the spirit moves me...or to be more precise, whenever I have an hour to spare. This means that the next podcast will probably appear sometime during the weekend. Rest assured that you'll hear about it here.
You should add the 9/11 from a Maltese perspective podcasts using bittorrent to save bandwith which is expensive.
Just a suggestion, great site
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