The Wonder of You
Toni Sant presents the 434th in a series of podcasts featuring music by performers in or from Malta. This podcast includes the results from the 2015 MMI Listeners’ Picks Poll: # Top Single (TIE): The New Victorians – Seeker Seeker + The Velts – Foreigner # Top Online Release: The Busker – Percussion Song #…
MMI 2015 Listeners’ Picks Poll
You can now vote for your top picks from 2015 in the following categories: Album / Single / EP / Music Video/ Online Release / Overseas-based Artists. Please vote on all six categories for your top picks from 2015 from material featured during the Mużika Mod Ieħor podcasts from last year. The results from this…
MMI 2014 Listeners’ Picks Poll
You can now vote for your top picks from 2014 in the following categories: Album / Single or EP / Music Video/ Online Release / Overseas-based Artists. Please vote on all five categories for your top picks from 2014 from material featured during the Mużika Mod Ieħor podcasts from last year. The results from this…