![]() APPLIED & INTERACTIVE T h e a t r e G u i d e |
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- "Now I Get It!": 12 Classroom Skits for Science, Math, and Social Studies - These skits tackle apostrophe usage, homonyms and homophones, the metric system, fractions, flight of birds, magnets, energy, time zones, governments of the world, Seneca Falls 1848, and recycling-all in tidy 10-minute skits. Each one is complete with concept identification, activities, discussion questions, and production notes. (Added: 2-Apr-2003 Hits: 628 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology: The Secret Art of the Performer - A must-have for all theatre practitioners and a guide for students and scholars of transcultural performance - a result of ten years' research conducted by Eugenio Barba and the International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA) based in Denmark on the underlying principles of the performer's technique. A visual essay of photographs, drawings, and diagrams complement the textual argument. A brilliant piece of work! (Added: 29-Jun-2003 Hits: 542 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- A History of the Theatre - Glynne Wickham's history of drama and theatre appears in a new revised, updated edition covering the origins of drama throughout the world. Enjoy a chronological discussion which reveals changing social and political climates and their ultimate affect on theatre, with 3,000 years of drama history covered in an excellent and high-quality review. Color photos throughout; many in-depth notes essential to theatre history included. (Added: 29-Jun-2003 Hits: 628 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 78) Rate It
- A Theatre for Women's Voices: Plays and History from the Women's Project - In 1978, Julia Miles founded the Women's Project & Productions. Since then, her off-Broadway theatre has become a preeminent venue for putting women playwrights center stage. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Women's Project, this collection presents six of the Project's most outstanding productions. (Added: 1-Apr-2003 Hits: 454 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Acting Out: The Workbook - A guide to the development and presentation of issue-oriented, audience-interactive, improvisational theatre, by Mario Cossa, Sally S. Fleischmann Ember, Lauren Grover, and Jennifer L. Hazelwood. Topics covered include: alcohol/drugs, AIDs/STDs, family problems and situations, death/suicide, violence/abuse and sexuality/pregnancy/relationships. (Added: 29-Mar-2003 Hits: 688 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Acting-In: Practical Applications of Psychodramatic Methods - A practical textbook by Adam Blatner on the principles and applications of psychodrama, for students and therapists. Covers theory, current training techniques, and approaches. Offers illustrative case examples (Added: 29-Mar-2003 Hits: 683 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Activism!: Direct Action, Hacktivism and the Future of Society - A compelling account of activist politics and alternative political and cultural movements. Tim Jordan’s books shows how civil disobedience is currently dominating the political landscape. In our fast-changing, high-tech culture, the single-issue movements of the past are continually questioned, and traditional political battles have been replaced by the collective practices of a new activism: eco-activists, animal liberators, ravers, neo-fascists, anti-abortionists, squatters, and hacktivists. (Added: 27-Mar-2003 Hits: 639 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Acts of Service: Spontaneity, Commitment, Tradition in Nonscripted Theatre - A major book on Playback Theatre by one of its founders. Jonathan Fox is a graduate of Harvard University who combined his formal training in oral composition, experience with theatre, and postgraduate studies in psychodrama to forge a theatre of story for which the script comes from the community. (Added: 29-Mar-2003 Hits: 648 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 60) Rate It
- Beyond the Boundaries: American Alternative Theatre - This book is a must for any student, teacher, or artist concerned with American theatre. Theodore Shank details the work of a number of prominent theatre artists who purposely set out to test the boundaries of theatre as an art form. He also includes the work of a number of lesser-known, though no less important, groups and individuals. (Added: 6-Apr-2004 Hits: 559 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- BSP Gallery Bookshop - Old and rare books on many subjects, including performing arts. (Added: 11-Dec-2004 Hits: 409 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Creative Drama and Music Methods: Introductory Activities for Children - Committed to the arts as a vehicle for enhancing movement, listening, speaking, and performing skills, educators Margaret Merrion and Janet E. Rubin show in this text how social development, curriculum bonuses, and a host of other outcomes support creative drama and music as primary to the development of the whole child. (Added: 2-Apr-2003 Hits: 585 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Creative Drama in the Classroom and Beyond - Nellie McCaslin's book is now in its seventh edition. Foreword by Neil Postman. (Added: 2-Apr-2003 Hits: 589 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 97) Rate It
- Current Approaches in Drama Therapy - This is the first book in the field to provide a comprehensive, organized and researched introduction to the breadth and depth of drama therapy. Edited by Penny Lewis and David Read Johnson, this anthology offers a comprehensive introduction to the various drama therapy theoretical models and techniques that are being utilized and taught. (Added: 27-Mar-2003 Hits: 659 Rating: 9.99 Votes: 60) Rate It
- Cyberpower: The Culture and Politics of Cyberspace and the Internet - Tim Jordan's book covers key concepts such as power and cyberspace, the virtual individual, society in cyberspace, and imagination and the internet. (Added: 27-Mar-2003 Hits: 605 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Dangerous Border Crossers: The Artist Talks Back - Awarded a prestigious MacArthur Foundation Fellowship in 1991, Gomez-Peña is known for shocking audiences with such performances as "Couple in a Cage" (1994), a critique of the historical practice of displaying and exoticising indigenous peoples. This book from 2000 is a collection of performance texts, radio scripts, poetry, critical writing, interviews, and photographs that chronicles his performance and activist escapades since 1994. (Added: 30-Mar-2003 Hits: 602 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Dark Fiber: Tracking Critical Internet Culture - The Internet is being closed off by corporations and governments intent on creating a business and information environment free of dissent. Geert Lovink envisions an Internet that goes beyond engineering, bringing in humanities, social movements, NGOs, and artists into the core of Internet development. The book combines aesthetic and ethical issues of navigation and usability without losing sight of the economic agendas of those who control hardware, software, content, and delivery. (Added: 27-Mar-2003 Hits: 599 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Drama As Therapy: Theatre As Living - In this book, Phil Jones describes and defines dramatherapy, providing in one volume a definition of the core processes at work in dramatherapy, a clear description of how to structure sessions, a thorough review of techniques and a wide range of examples from clinical practice. At the heart of the book is a definition of the nine core processes which define how and why dramatherapy can offer the opportunity for change. (Added: 27-Mar-2003 Hits: 644 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 55) Rate It
- Drama Games: Techniques for Self-Development - Tian Dayton offers a compendium of useful ways to use improvisation and theater games in a variety of group settings. The ideas are based on Moreno's action method for psychodrama, but the practitioner need not be an expert on psychodrama to make use of these ideas. (Added: 29-Mar-2003 Hits: 624 Rating: 9.99 Votes: 62) Rate It
- Drama in the Classroom: Creative Activities for Teachers, Parents & Friends - Drama helps all children gain confidence and a better sense of self. Adult and child alike are involved in both teaching and learning through the process of intuitive discovery. The activities included in Drama In The Classroom can be used as an adjunct or even an integral part of a regular curriculum. Parents at home, working and playing with their children, or adults seeking more creativity in their lives, will also enjoy and benefit from the exercises. (Added: 2-Apr-2003 Hits: 620 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Drama Ministry - Steve Pederson of Willow Creek Community Church’s renowned drama department takes you into the workings of powerful and effective drama ministry. Drama Ministry is the definitive church drama resource. It brims with information, ideas, training exercises, samples of scripts, troubleshooting tips, and other tools that can take your team for a quantum leap in effectiveness. The book also includes a CD-ROM that provides a video demonstration of directing techniques. (Added: 1-Apr-2003 Hits: 636 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Drama Therapy: Concepts, Theories, and Practices - This text by Dr. Robert J. Landy, Professor and Director of the Drama Therapy Program at NYU is the first to examine Drama Therapy as a discipline. It deals not with drama in therapy but with drama therapy itself. (Added: 27-Mar-2003 Hits: 663 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- First You Sit on the Floor : A Guide to Developing a Youth Theatre Troupe - Author/teacher Michael Burns knows from experience how to develop new original theatre pieces on topics that matter to todays kids, from substance abuse, teen sexuality, and violence prevention to respect for the differently abled. (Added: 1-Apr-2003 Hits: 676 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 63) Rate It
- Foundations of Psychodrama: History, Theory, and Practice - Developed from a monograph privately produced by Adam Blatner in 1985; presents historical issues, new philosophical ideas and psychological theories. (Added: 29-Mar-2003 Hits: 632 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Games for Actors and Non-Actors - A valuable handbook of methods, techniques, games, and exercises, and is a genuinely inspiring work by the world-famous author of Theatre of the Oppressed, Augusto Boal. It is designed to help anyone - whether actor on non-actor - rehearse for real life: make the fictional real. (Added: 22-Mar-2003 Hits: 681 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 50) Rate It
- Gathering Voices: Essays on Playback Theatre - An anthology based on presentations at the 1997 symposium on Playback Theatre at Kassel in Germany, edited by Jonathan Fox and Heinrich Dauber. (Added: 29-Mar-2003 Hits: 607 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Hacker Culture - Demonized by governments and the media as criminals, glorified within their own subculture as outlaws, hackers have played a major role in the history of computers and digital culture. In this book, Douglas Thomas provides an in-depth history of this important and fascinating subculture, contrasting mainstream images of hackers with a detailed firsthand account of the computer underground. (Added: 27-Mar-2003 Hits: 623 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
- Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution - Steven Levy's classic book explains why the misuse of the word "hackers" to describe computer criminals does a terrible disservice to many important shapers of the digital revolution. (Added: 27-Mar-2003 Hits: 627 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Hamlet and the Baker's Son: My Life in Theatre and Politics - Augusto Boal, by any measure, has had an extraordinary life. This book recounts Boal's remarkable story of how a small, observant boy from Rio became one the most vocal and political figures of 20th-century theater. His autobiography gives voice to his unique gift of using the stage to empower the disempowered. (Added: 22-Mar-2003 Hits: 628 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- History of the Theatre - The Ninth Edition retains all of the traditional features that have made History of the Theatre a classic for over thirty years, including over 530 photos and illustrations, useful maps, and the expertise of Oscar Brockett, one of the most widely respected theatre historians in the field. Franklin J. Hildy contributes his scholarship and experience throughout the book and, in particular, to a discussion of English Theatre/Shakespeare. (Added: 29-Jun-2003 Hits: 621 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Improvisation, Inc.: Harnessing Spontaneity to Engage People and Groups - Provides the reader with the same techniques that improvisational actors use to increase their confidence, a method of using humor to establish a strong rapport with audiences, students, or participants, an effective way of using body language and voice for greater clarity and impact, and more. (Added: 3-Apr-2003 Hits: 645 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Improvising Real Life: Personal Story in Playback Theatre - An accessible account of playback theatre's origins, practice and philosophy, illustrated with real-life stories from performances. Includes 15 photos and a glossary of playback terms. Author Jo Salas is a founding member of the original company and now teaches playback internationally. (Added: 31-Mar-2003 Hits: 596 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- In The SpotLight: Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Performing - Self-Expression is the most basic of human needs. Some of us, however, become paralyzed by anxiety and fears and are unable to communicate or perform effectively in public settings. Janet Esposito's book can help readers transform their previous negative experiences into golden new opportunities in sharing themselves through self-expression. A must read for anyone who fears public speaking and performing! (Added: 3-Apr-2003 Hits: 599 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Interactive & Improvisational Drama: Varieties of Applied Theatre & Perform - 32 innovators share their approaches on nonscripted performance and interactive drama in community-building, education, personal and social empowerment, therapy, and recreation. Edited by Adam Blatner and Daniel Weiner, this book drama can be discerned as a medium that shows how drama goes beyond the linear transmission of information, to include imagination, spontaneity, vitality, involvement, emotional sensitivity and amplification, empathy, and the power of group dynamics. (Added: 5-Mar-2007 Hits: 369 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Introduction to Dramatherapy: Theatre & Healing - Ariadne's Ball of Thread - This accessible and comprehensive book by Sue Jennings shows the importance of theater as a healing experience. The book explains the basic theory and practice of dramatherapy, exploring the subject with an awareness of the place of dramatic expression as a natural part of life. It shows how dramatherapy is of relevance to everyone, exploring the use of drama in different life stages and during different experiences. (Added: 29-Mar-2003 Hits: 635 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Japanese Theatre - From ancient folk and ritual performances to modern dance theatre, this work by Benito Ortolani provides summaries about each major form, situating it in particular social, political, and cultural contexts. Includes details on costumes, masks, props, repertory, acting techniques, and noteworthy actors of kagura, gigaku, and noh. This book serves as a reference and as a cultural history of Japan from the perspective of performing arts. (Added: 5-Apr-2004 Hits: 542 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Legislative Theatre: Using Performance to Make Politics - A most remarkable stage in the unique Augusto Boal project. An attempt to use theatre in a political context to create a truer form of democracy - a method to engage the populace. An extraordinary experiment in the potential of theatre to effect social change. (Added: 22-Mar-2003 Hits: 593 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 82) Rate It
- Major Critical Theatre Texts from Aristotle and Zeami to Soyinka and Havel - This anthology stands out in the field of theatre theory and history because it attempts to be culturally inclusive rather than strictly Western European in its content. A healthy introduction and good header essays frame classical Indian commentary on Sanskrit drama, a Japanese piece on Noh plays, and a selection from Wole Soyinka's essay on African theater, as well as recent theoretical writings from Augusto Boal and Vaclav Havel. Most of the rest of the selections are familiar. (Added: 29-Jun-2003 Hits: 541 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Mehmet Murat ildan - Turkish playwright & novelist. (Added: 27-Nov-2009 Hits: 142 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Performance Theory - This cogent and provocative compilation of essays by Richard Schechner is now a classic text for students of the emergent discipline of performance studies. (Added: 4-Apr-2004 Hits: 539 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Playing Along: 37 Group Learning Activities - Set the stage for learning and growth with these innovative, playful activities borrowed from a classic art form: improvisational theater. Developed for group leaders who have no improvisational theater experience, these easy, step-by-step proven techniques-originally designed to help actors solve problems on stage-build an optimal learning environment by fostering understanding, reducing resistance, creating cohesiveness, and promoting active participation in the learning process. (Added: 3-Apr-2003 Hits: 613 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Practical Approaches to Dramatherapy: The Shield of Perseus - Derived from the experiences of Madeline Andersen-Warren and Roger Grainger working with dramatherapy in a range of different situations. The book provides a comprehensive account of the history, theory and practice of drama and its therapeutic use. The authors explain the shape of a session, how dramatherapy works, and how it can be interpreted via myth, symbol and psychological theory. (Added: 27-Mar-2003 Hits: 618 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
- Psychoanalysis and Performance - A collection of distinguished thinkers in the field offer perspectives on a variety of topics: hypnotism; ventriloquism; cloning; cultural politics of race and nation; transgressive performance; and futurism. From rehearsal process to consciousness theory, digital performance to collective social trauma, the arguments are based on the dual principle that psychoanalysis can help us understand performance and illuminate the workings of the human psyche. (Added: 3-Apr-2004 Hits: 572 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Psychodrama - This highly accessible and fascinating book by Paul Wilkins introduces the rationale, theory and psychotherapeutic practice of psychodrama. It provides an insight into its origins, outlining its techniques and bringing to life the dynamic interrelationships which form the core of the practice. (Added: 29-Mar-2003 Hits: 643 Rating: 9.99 Votes: 61) Rate It
- Sociodrama: Who's in Your Shoes? - This book by Patricia Sternberg and Antonina Garcia is an insightful guide for participants in group work to come to a new understanding about themselves, each other, and the world at large. The theoretical and practical guidance offered in this book will help management and staff trainers, educators, psychotherapists, sociologists, theatre artists, pastoral counselors, and others provide a vital modality for energizing even the most passive groups. (Added: 1-Apr-2003 Hits: 603 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 84) Rate It
- Teaching Performance Studies - Edited by Nathan Stucky and Cynthia Wimmer, this book is the first organized treatment of performance studies theory, practice, and pedagogy. This collection of eighteen essays by leading scholars and educators reflects the emergent and contested nature of performance studies, a field that looks at the broad range of human performance from everyday conversation to formal theatre and cultural ritual. The cross-disciplinary freedom enacted by the writers suggests a new vision of performance studies—a deliberate commerce between field and classroom. Contributors include: Joseph Roach, Elyse Lamm Pineau, Phillip B. Zarrilli, and Bruce McConachie. Foreword by Richard Schechner. (Added: 2-Apr-2003 Hits: 610 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Team-Building Activities for Every Group - 107 interactive games and activities can be found in the pages of this easy-to-use book. 65 team challenges and 42 activities that help any team get to know one another, become comfortable with each other, and open up. If you work with youth, corporate groups, therapy groups, church groups, scouts, families, school groups, sports teams, at camp, or with any other group who must work together you will find helpful games and activities in this fun, energetic, and purposeful book! (Added: 3-Apr-2003 Hits: 703 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- The Art of Stillness: The Theater Practice of Tadashi Suzuki - Paul Allain, an experienced practitioner of the Suzuki method, re-evaluates Suzuki's work, giving a lucid overview of his development towards an international theater aesthetic. He examines Suzuki's collaborators, the importance of architecture and environment in his theater and his impact on performance all over the world. (Added: 5-Apr-2004 Hits: 580 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- The Cambridge Companion to Brecht - This companion offers students crucial guidance on Bertolt Brecht's theatrical career from beginning to end, bringing together the contrasting views of major critics and active practitioners to offer a provocative overview. (Added: 30-Mar-2003 Hits: 607 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- The Guerrilla Girls' Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art - Taking you back through the ages, the Guerrilla Girls demonstrate how males (particularly white males) have dominated the art scene, and discouraged, belittled, or obscured women's involvement. Their skeptical and hilarious interpretations of "popular" theory are augmented by the newest research and the expertise of prominent feminist art historians. (Added: 30-Mar-2003 Hits: 577 Rating: 1.00 Votes: 2) Rate It
- The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age - In this book, Pekka Hinamen articulates (with Linus Torvalds and Manuel Castells) how hackers represent a new ethos for the information age, than the Protestant ethic for the industrial age. Hacker values promoted passionate and freely rhythmed work; the belief that individuals can create great things by joining forces in imaginative ways; and the need to maintain our existing ethical ideals, such as privacy and equality, in our increasingly technologized society. (Added: 16-Jul-2003 Hits: 716 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
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