![]() APPLIED & INTERACTIVE T h e a t r e G u i d e |
Sociodrama is J.L. Moreno's term for the application of psychodrama techniques to group, community, or organizational situations. It is a broad term that can probably be used to subsume all the other categories.
Sociodrama is used with groups wishing to explore common issues in training, organisations, community, educational and political contexts. It uses many of the same techniques as psychodrama to enable individual and group learning and change. Whereas psychodrama focuses on an individual's personal concerns, sociodrama addresses the group's issue.
Top : Sociodrama
Sociodrama: Who's in Your Shoes? by Patricia Sternberg and Antonina Garcia Theatre for Community Conflict and Dialogue: The Hope Is Vital Training Manual by Michael Rohd First You Sit on the Floor: A Guide to Developing a Youth Theatre Troupe by Michael Burns Theatre in Prison: Theory and Practice edited by Michael Balfour Drama Ministry by Steve Pederson
- Acme Clown Company - Uses popular theatrical traditions to amaze, educate, and entertain audiences of all ages. The boss clown (Adam Gertsacov) has entertained thousands of people at carnivals, fairs, festivals, circuses, theatres, and conventions all over the world. His association with the Ringling Brothers Clown College, the Dell'Arte School, the University of Pennsylvania, Rhode Island College, and the Boston School of Bartending, making him one of the most educated clowns in America. (Added: 17-Jul-2003 Hits: 716 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 2) Rate It
- ActingOut - Issue-oriented teen improv theatre program based in Keene, NH. Middle school program focuses on developing social skills and resiliency through improv skills training. High school program trains in Forum Theatre, Playback Theatre, and other formats to create issue oriented performances to bring to schools and other venues. College program at Keene State College works specifically on college oriented wellness education using improv theatre. (Added: 21-Dec-2011 Hits: 23 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Add Verb Productions - Founded in 1998 by Cathy Plourde, out of activism with and for youth. Her work has had statewide attention in Maine since the mid-90s and now through Add Verb, her work in theatre for social change can be seen around the United States. Touring one-person plays (You the Man, The Thin Line) are performed by professional actors, and scripts are available for local productions of Butt of Course (youth and tobacco) and Money Talks (women/girls and money). (Added: 18-Jul-2003 Hits: 715 Rating: 9.50 Votes: 2) Rate It
- Allied Productions, Inc. - A New York City-based nonprofit arts organization established in 1981, fostering the interest of all segments of the community in the arts, broadening and enriching the general public through performances, screenings, workshops. Projects include Le Petit Versailles, created in 1996 by community neighbors as a GreenThumb garden, and Short Memory/No History, an interdisciplinary live media work about memory, perception, history, and representations of AIDS activism and queer culture. (Added: 21-Aug-2003 Hits: 672 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Antenna Theater - The Antenna experience can take the shape of a carnival, a happening, a performance piece, a radio program, a guided mystery tour, a sideshow, or a giant walk-through sculpture. Antenna acts on the principle that "all the world’s a stage." They have created theatrical adventures in venues such as recycling centers, high schools, Army barracks, beaches, and once, the entire town of Sausalito, California. (Added: 8-Jun-2004 Hits: 642 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Artslynx International Arts Resources - This website by Richard Finkelstein was created for The Colorado Council on the Arts, with funding from The National Endowment for the Arts, as a gift to the world community. The Theatre section offers many links to related online resources, and the website offers a long list of links related to all the arts as a force of healing, building, and empowerment. (Added: 31-Mar-2003 Hits: 731 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Artsy-Fartsy Festival - Open community of interactive art creators and fans. Festival promotes self-expression, good will, etc. through costumes, participatory exhibits, etc. Adult fun. Burning Man style gift economy. (Added: 18-Oct-2003 Hits: 613 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Awele Makeba - Actress/storyteller and an artist for social change who researches, writes, and performs hidden African American history. Audiences are invited to wrestle with complex and emotionally laden issues that teach us about our common humanity and potential. Ms. Makeba has mesmerized audiences from the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC to the University of Alaska at Anchorage and she has appeared in Russia, Australia, Taiwan, France, and Canada. (Added: 21-Feb-2005 Hits: 566 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Berliner Compagnie - This German political theatre company has produced alternative theatre on social topics since 1982, when it was created by activists from the peace movement. (Added: 28-Mar-2003 Hits: 703 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
- Black Theatre India - Geared towards using theatre for social change, Black Theatre is involved in psycho-social care (theatre therapy) training to NGOs staffs and volunteers who are working in the 2004 Tsunami affected areas in Tamil Nadu, India. (Added: 28-Feb-2005 Hits: 595 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble - The impact of this theatre upon Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania and the surrounding region is positive and demonstrable. Since 1978, the ensemble collectively chooses plays to provide their non-urban audience with a wide range of theatrical experiences. To investigate American life today, BTE use the perspectives of classic, contemporary, and original drama as well as literature of diverse cultures, nurturing respect and compassion for others, and to foster awareness, perseverance and hope. (Added: 17-Jul-2003 Hits: 789 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Border Crossings - An international company working in theatre and combined arts that creates dynamic performances by fusing many forms of world theatre, dance and music. Works across borders between cultures and art forms, and between nations and peoples. Productions all over the UK, and as far afield as Brazil, Egypt, France, Hungary, India, Italy, Mauritius, Mexico, Zimbabwe and the Seychelles (Added: 8-Jun-2004 Hits: 650 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Bread and Roses Cultural Project - The not-for-profit cultural arm of New York's Health and Human Service Union, 1199/SEIU, was founded in 1979 for union members and students in New York City who would otherwise have little access to the arts. Special emphasis is given to programs that interpret Latina and African American women's history while generating new artistic expression. Professional dramatic companies stage free Theatre-in-the-Hospital shows within hospitals and nursing homes for 1199 members and patients. (Added: 18-Mar-2003 Hits: 711 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- British Psychodrama Association - The British Psychodrama Association (BPA) was established in 1984 to promote and encourgae the use of psychodrama throughout the UK. It is accredited by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy and in turn is the accreditung organisation for psychodrama and sociodrama training organisations. (Added: 13-Mar-2003 Hits: 1510 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Burning Man - Starting in 1986 on a small beach in San Francisco through its evolution into the bustling city of some 25,000+ people, the Burning Man event now takes place annually at the Black Rock Desert. An experimental community, which challenges its members to express themselves and rely on themselves to a degree that is not normally encountered in one's day-to-day life, for one week. (Added: 19-Oct-2003 Hits: 695 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Carpetbag Theatre, Inc. - A Knoxville, TN, community based, non-profit professional theater company, founded in 1970, dedicated to the production of new works. CBT develops new scripts primarily through collaboration and improvisation. One of the few tenured African-American professional theatre companies in the South, giving voice to the underserved, people who have been historically silenced by racism, classism, sexism and ageism. (Added: 18-Jul-2003 Hits: 634 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Center for Applied Theatre - Based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin offering workshops which include activities designed to maximize participant engagement and provide tools for discovery. Workshops are lead by center co-founders Jenny Wanasek and Mark Weinberg. (Added: 1-Mar-2004 Hits: 913 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
- Circus2Iraq - A small group of performers and activists moved to Iraq in 2004, performing and running circus skills workshops for the kids. One of them was in already in Iraq during the bombing as a humanitarian observer. Others have been involved with taking circuses or other performances to Bosnia, Serbia and East Timor. They have also been involved in international solidarity work all over the world. (Added: 7-May-2004 Hits: 567 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Cornerstone Theater Company - A multi-ethnic, ensemble-based theatre company that commissions and produces new plays, both original works and contemporary adaptations of classics, which combine the artistry of professional and community collaborators. By making theater with and for people of many ages, cultures and levels of theatrical experience, Cornerstone builds bridges between and within diverse communities in their home city of Los Angeles and nationwide. (Added: 20-Jan-2004 Hits: 646 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Dancing in the Streets - Nurtures the development of site-specific work and promotes it as a public art form by leading national conferences and panel discussions about site-specific work, by offering production and technical support to established and emerging site artists, and by documenting the process of creating site-specific work, and by launching several national initiatives that have fostered the creation of site-specific performances. (Added: 6-Feb-2004 Hits: 597 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Dead Earnest Theatre - Founded by Ashley Barnes in 1993, this UK-based company originally performed in pubs and site specific locations. In parallel with their artistic progression the company played an active role in community arts projects, aiming to have a positive impact on people's lives. They now produce upwards of 30 new productions each year designed to have a positive impact on the lives of those who see them. (Added: 19-Jun-2008 Hits: 263 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Donna Henes - An acclaimed urban shaman, contemporary ceremonialist, artist and writer. She has designed and produced countless public participatory ceremonial events in celebration of the universal cycles of the seasons in more than 100 cities in nine countries since 1972. She also maintains a ceremonial center and ritual practice Brooklyn, New York, Mama Donna's Tea Garden and Healing Haven, where she works with individuals and groups to create personalized rituals for all of life's transitions. (Added: 22-Apr-2003 Hits: 627 Rating: 9.75 Votes: 4) Rate It
- DramaDirekt: Youth Empowerment Through Theatre - EU-funded programme (Socrates Youth) intended to develop the performance skills of participants while bringing together different styles and cultures to share and learn from one another. Youths from European countries tackle issues of common concern through drama. The encounter helps the participating youths build bridges, voice their concerns, work in groups to solve problems and share the work created during the workshop sessions with the general public in street theatre performances. (Added: 31-Jul-2003 Hits: 701 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Eight is NEVER enough! - Interactive improv and musical comic variety troupe. (Added: 27-Aug-2003 Hits: 679 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Epithelium - Is technology bringing us closer together or distancing people more than ever before? Epithelium grapples with this contemporary question, inviting you to take part in a performance experiment that bridges the gap between the virtual world and the real world. Users from all over the world submit their stories, anecdotes, and descriptions to the website. A selection of these virtual stories and conversations are then performed in various venues in New York City and Chicago. (Added: 25-Jun-2003 Hits: 673 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Full Circle Theater: Social Change Interactive Theater - An intergenerational interactive theatre troupe based at Temple University at the Center for Intergenerational Learning. The troupe uses improvisation to create dialogue with a wide variety of community audiences on social issues such as public health and environmental issues, issues of violence and conflict resolution, and diversity and aging, to name a few. (Added: 10-Mar-2004 Hits: 764 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- gender[f] - This site is dedicated to disappeared women of Juarez. The interface reflects the differences in the daily realities of women in the contemporary world, which ties into the theme of the work. While the world's politicians and media focus on a 'war on terror', women everywhere continue to survive their individual wars and terrors. The works range touch on everything from cyber-activism to religion to recontextualising Barbie. (Added: 9-Dec-2004 Hits: 645 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Graeae - Britain’s foremost theatre company of people with physical and sensory impairments. Founded in 1980 by Nabil Shaban and Richard Tomlinson, Graeae has built up a reputation for producing high quality work and is now a respected theatrical voice with audiences, theatre workers, critics, the arts establishment and the disabled community. Graeae tours nationally twice a year and sometimes internationally with imaginative and exciting productions of both classic and newly-commissioned theatre. (Added: 3-Dec-2004 Hits: 579 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- GTC Dramatic Dialogues - Since 1995 GTC Dramatic Dialogues has offered a series of interactive theatrical programs on issues of vital importance to students. These programs allow students to talk back, engaging them directly in dialogues about date rape, diversity, or substance abuse. Short theatrical scenes taken directly from campus life show behavior related to the topic of the program. Following each scene there is a moderated discussion or "talk-back" between the actors (still in character) and the audience. (Added: 15-Mar-2003 Hits: 828 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
- Improbable Players - Touring company of sober actors who present performances and drama workshops that spotlight addiction/recovery issues. Plays are created through improv from the real-life stories of the actors. Boston and New York: since 1984. (Added: 4-Jul-2008 Hits: 749 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- In Place of War - An AHRB funded project exploring the relationship between performance and war. The project team are keen to meet, learn from and engage with practitioners and scholars involved in theatre and performance from conflict and war zones internationally. On this web site you will find more details of the project, ways that you can be involved, information about our latest activities and forthcoming events and a forum to share ideas and experiences. (Added: 5-Dec-2004 Hits: 490 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Interactive Theatre Carolina - Uses scripted and improvisational theatre to promote health/wellness and social justice in the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill community. We believe that when audience members engage the characters and conflict on stage, they are more likely to explore and change their own attitudes and behaviors. (Added: 12-Jun-2008 Hits: 344 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- InteractiveTheatre.org - Using Drama to Educate on Sexual Assault - Interactive Theatre programs, like "every 5 minutes" in Syracuse, NY and St. Paul, MN, use theatre as a means to open discussion and engage people who would normally zone out. It's able to challenge personal and societal beliefs by creating three-dimensional characters that can't be ignored or tuned out like videos. The situations in the scenes are real, explicit, and disturbing - and it works. (Added: 3-Apr-2003 Hits: 715 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Jessica Bockler - UK-based freelance theatre director and community artist with interest in European theatre practices and transpersonal psychology. Also active in arts and health projects, museum theatre and creative conflict resolution. (Added: 11-Dec-2004 Hits: 580 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 2) Rate It
- Latino Theater Company - Committed to creating and producing passionate, truthful and professional world-class theatre since its foundation in 1985 by Artistic Director Jose Luis Valenzuela, under the auspices of the Los Angeles Theater Center. The company develops and produces new Latino plays and playwrights that examine in bold contemporary terms, the Latino/a experience in the United States. (Added: 23-Jul-2003 Hits: 679 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Liz Lerman Dance Exchange - The story of Liz Lerman Dance Exchange spans two decades, the creation of over 50 innovative dance/theatre works, and thousands of performances and community encounters. Coordinates major initiatives in performance, celebration, and participatory artmaking. (Added: 31-Jul-2003 Hits: 673 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Migrant Voices - Founded in 2006, Migrant Voices is a registered arts society based in Singapore. It runs art related events and programmes for the migrant worker community in Singapore to use as a platform of expression. It has since put up 1 forum theatre piece and completed a play with a talkback session. Other activities include a photographic project, gigs and visual arts. (Added: 14-Aug-2007 Hits: 289 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Mind the Gap - UK-based award-winning theatre company founded in 1988. Mind the Gap aims to dismantle the barriers to artistic excellence so that learning disabled and non-disabled artists can perform alongside each other as equals. (Added: 16-Jul-2004 Hits: 557 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- New Village Productions - Established in 1989 to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender playwrights when no such support was available. New Village Productions has grown into a company dedicated to developing and producing the work of outstanding playwrights who challenge conventional views of the lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people. (Added: 10-Jul-2003 Hits: 601 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Oily Cart - Transforming everyday environments into wonderlands which their young guests physically enter joining in a world of the imagination. From its beginning in 1981, Oily Cart has challenged accepted definitions of theatre and audience. In particular they have created delightful, multi-sensory, highly interactive productions for the Very Young and for Young People with Complex Disabilities. (Added: 18-Feb-2007 Hits: 401 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Our Own Voice Theatre Troupe - Created in 1991, the Our Own Voice Theatre Troupe is a non-profit organization working to empower people marginalized by mental illness, and striving to engage our community in dialogue about mental health. The company uses theatre as a forum for exploring issues that affect the psychological and social well-being of all. (Added: 11-Oct-2004 Hits: 610 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 4) Rate It
- our place, our stage - Aims towards linking arts practitioners around the world working in the field of sexual and reproductive health education. Includes a GAMESPACE which allows people to add games and exercises to the database and search the database for new ideas. There is also a project database, mapping all the sexual and reproductive health performance projects around the world. A discussion board is provided in the Forum, with the hope of creating much needed discussion in this field. (Added: 11-Mar-2007 Hits: 433 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- People's Palace Projects - Based in the School of English and Drama at Queen Mary, University of London, People's Palace Projects develops and manages a wide range of projects that find practical application for academic scholarship. With offices in London and Rio de Janeiro, PPP puts theatre research into action in Britain, Burkina Faso and Brazil - in prisons, in schools and even in theatres. (Added: 3-May-2004 Hits: 864 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Plays for Living - Founded in 1942, this New York City-based non-profit organization is dedicated to helping communities deal with common issues such as diversity, ethics, work/life balance, conflict resolution, harassment and domestic violence. Following each performance, a trained facilitator leads a discussion in which the audience explores divergent points of view that lead to greater clarification and resolution of the dramatized topics. (Added: 30-Mar-2003 Hits: 733 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Prison Performing Arts - Serves the adults and children incarcerated in the St. Louis area jails, prisons and detention centers of Missouri. Led by Artistic Director Agnes Wilcox, the company provides this prision community with opportunities to participate in the performing arts as audience members and as artists. Promoting learning through the arts, channeling creative energies in constructive ways and using the arts to provide an environment for self-discipline, commitment and teamwork. (Added: 30-Jul-2003 Hits: 625 Rating: 8.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
- Random Acts - Random Acts combines music with improv and audience participation. All shows are totally interactive and include sing-alongs so the entire audience is always involved. Random Acts produces Murder Mysteries, Cabarets, Kids Mystery Theater, singing telegrams, entertainment and more. (Added: 9-May-2003 Hits: 696 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 27) Rate It
- Rangshala - Performing Arts & Theatre Online - Rangshala is a one-stop place for information on workshops, plays, Theatre in Education, puppet resources, theatre activities and events, in Delhi and NCR. (Added: 21-Aug-2003 Hits: 700 Rating: 8.50 Votes: 2) Rate It
- ReGroup Theater - Drama and theatre group engaged in hope filled non-violent artistic, educational social justice activities. The group offers politically relevant, socially engaged, pedagogically creative, co-created, artistic learning projects. Working with a variety of dramatic methods to co-create scripted and non-scripted theater experiences for groups of people interested in exploring educational, therapeutic, or social themes. (Added: 13-Aug-2007 Hits: 377 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Rich Swingle - Rich Swingle teaches sociodrama workshops around the world: Sociodrama for Actors, Playwrights, Directors, Bibliodrama, and Enacted Prayer. (Added: 7-Jan-2006 Hits: 427 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
- Roadside Theater - From the coal fields of eastern Kentucky, Roadside Theater has produced original plays drawn from the song, history, and stories of its people, creating a body of new Appalachian drama, since 1975. The ensemble also collaborates nationally with other artists and communities eager to tell their stories in their own voice. (Added: 20-Jul-2003 Hits: 609 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
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Last updated on: 13-Feb-2012 - 13:07:53